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My dad was talking about my first day of school, but honestly, I wasn't even paying attention. I rather think about the good times I had during the spring break and which are now gone.

"Can we finally go?" I asked, tired of hearing him talking.

"Why are you so impatient with going to school?" My dad asked curious as we were getting into the car.

"I'm not impatient with going to school, I'm just tired of hearing the same things, everyday, about my first day of school" I answered him sighing.

When I finally arrived at school I got off the car and walked towards my friend, Elizabeth, or as known as Beth.

"Tatiane, you have to help Peter" Beth asked for help desperately, taking me by the hand and guiding me into a group of students who were in a circle watching something that I couldn't see clearly.

"Wait, what's happening?" I questioned while I was getting more in deep into the group.

"Peter is in a fight with the new kid in the school" Beth said almost screaming due to the other students talking really loud.

"Seriously? On the first day of school? Do they even know each other?" I questioned very intrigued and curious.

"I honestly don't know" She let out a sigh.

I finally got into the confusion. What I could see was my friend being beaten up pretty bad by this kid with brown hair, green eyes, roundly nose and fleshy lips.

I ran until I was in between Peter and the other kid pushing Peter by the arm.

"Do you really need your girlfriend to protect you?" The guy with green eyes and brown hair asked with a sarcastic smile "How pathetic"

"First, we're not dating, and second, just leave him alone" I demanded almost screaming, feeling my heart beating way too fast.

The smile he had before wasn't there anymore. He glanced at me with a serious stare and I saw an angry feeling beyond his eyes. I was scared, even though I pretended not to be, but he sensed how frightened I was and I knew if he took one step closer, I would probably pee in my pants.

Suddenly, he left the place without saying any word. Leaving me thinking about the way he stared at me, with truly and deeply despise.

"Are you alright?" I asked Peter, worried with what just happened, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks" He also sighed heading to the school hallway.

While we entered into the school hallway, he told me and Beth why he and the boy who dressed in a particular way had a fight. Simply, the boy was harassing a girl, a friend of Peter, and she told him to stop, but he didn't, so Peter interfered between them and told him to stop but once again, he didn't, and that's when the fight began.


We got in to our Geography class and, as always, I wasn't paying any attention.

I was distracted answering some friends on some social media and I heard the bell ring.

"See you next lesson" The teacher said before getting out of the classroom.

We got out of the classroom too in direction to our lockers to switch the books. Everything around us was quiet, until a loud voice echoed in the school hall.

"Don't you ever, ever, try to make fun of me again, idiot" All I could hear ES someone shouting following by a big crash like if someone hit their back on the lockers.

"Ok, ok dude. We were just kidding. We didn't know and think you would take it too seriously" The poor guy replied with a surrender voice and a frightened face.

I got closer and I saw the same boy who fought with Peter before, the guy with fleshy lips and pure green eyes.

This guy was about to punch the other kid until he glanced at me. His eyes transmitted again an angry and a furious look. I didn't know why he looked at me, but all I could think of was how scared I was with what he could do again.

Instead of punching the kid, he punched the gray locker behind the innocent kid and released him.

One last glance was switches between us two before he walked away, all alone, leaving us with question marks inside our confused brains.

"What the actual fuck just happened?" A surprise face was plastered on Beth.

"I know as much as you" I replied while I was heading to my next subject.

"Before and after this big confusion, the kid who almost punched the other, looked at you..." Peter said and then Beth interrupted him.

"And? It doesn't mean a thing. The truth is that he's a bully, and he thinks he is the strongest man in this school and no one can beat him" Beth argued as I was getting inside the classroom.

"Yeah, you're right. He's a bully and it's the first day of school and he's already in fights" Peter answered following her words like a little puppy following its owner and Beth smiles with sarcasm.

"And you got into troubles on the first day of school too" I shot back and sarcastically smiling too.

Peter replied something in a muffled voice to Beth and I guess it was 'Fuck you' but I couldn't hear clearly.

We sat in our places and while we were waiting for the teacher to come in, the bully was the topic of the conversation once again.

"I think he's older than us" I said turning my back to Beth who was behind me.

"One year older" Peter stated with all the certainty of the world.

"And how do you know?" Beth asked arching her eyebrow.

"Well, because my friend told me"

I asked them if they knew the bully's name, but I couldn't get any answer from them.
A few minutes later, the teacher finally came and started her lesson.

The rest of the day wasn't really important.
When I finally arrived home, I took a hot shower, made my homeworks and had my so desired dinner. Right after that, I could finally put my head to rest and immediately fell asleep.

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