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When I was a little bit more conscious, I saw (from what I tried to see) a person. I couldn't see who it was clearly since my eyes were seeing everything blurred.

I was still heavily breathing and the person who was walking in circles put his head really close to mine. I think he did it because he, probably, heard some noise from my mouth due to the heavy breathing.

My eyes automatically tried to focus on that face and then I saw Dominic standing really close to me and his face showed preoccupation and desperation.

I was sittting against a wall for sure but I wasn't so sure where I was. I guessed it in a restroom from the water that was running down the sink.

"Calm down Tatiane! She will be ok!" I heard Dominic's voice. His voice sounded so griffy.

I knew she fell because of me. Perhaps, if I had denied to work in pairs with Dominic, nothing of this would have happened.

"She fell because of me..." I hardly could speak. All what my body could do was make me cry and keep replaying the moment when she fell and when she was there, laying on the ground in my head.

"Look, it's not your fault! Believe me, it's not" His voice was a bit calmer than before and then, he put his hand on my shoulder. Even if I couldn't see it clearly, I still could feel it.

"How do you know? Did you see her calling my name? Did you see her falling down the stairs? No, you fucking didn't!" I was trying to scream, but my mouth didn't let me do it.

My heart beatting so fast and I started sweating more than I should have. I grabbed Dominic's arms as a support and my eyes were slowly closing.

I couldn't see anything instead of blur, once again.

"Hey, hey, hey! Tatiane! Stay with me, okay? So many people fall every moment! Maybe she is very disastrous... It doesn't mean it's your fault" I felt something warm on my cheeks and next pushing my head up.

I guided my hazel almost green to his pure green eyes and right after I looked down.
Suddenly my body were against Dominic's and his arms around my fragile body.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole" He spoke out of nowhere and my eyes widen really fast.

"I usually don't say those type of things and to top it off I never hug someone although I like hugs... I just don't know" He let out a deep sigh still having is arms around me.

A tiny smile escaped from my lips and in small steps, my breathing frequency was coming back to normal.

"I was an asshole too" I laughed a bit and then coughing.

"The perfect match" Dominic spoke in a sarcastic tone said, letting my body go.

I looked at him with my eyebrow frowned and Dominic laughed while watching my confused expression.

"I was kidding" Dominic said still laughing and my eyebrow continued frowned.

A deep silence was installed on the area and Dominic's glowing green eyes were attached to my hazel eyes.

"Are you feeling better?" A gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Well, my breathing frequency is finally established and I'm not shaking anymore. So I guess I'm fine" I smiled back and leaning my head against the white wall.

"Did you just try to speak like a Doctor?" He laughed while one of his eyebrow was frowning.

"No" I ironically said and rolling my eyes.

"Don't lie" He laughed.

"I'm not lying!" I was laughing too.

There was one question I had to ask him, but I wasn't mentally prepared for the answer...but I had to ask it.

"Why did you take me to the girl's restroom while I was having a panic attack? Why didn't you just called for an employee to help me and Beth?" I finally asked the question that was pairing in my head. It was like I hadn't no height on my shoulders anymore.

"I told to some students to call an employer to help Beth" Some memories popped up inside my head after he spoke, and I remembered him screaming and demanding for an employer while I was crying and looking at Beth's body on the floor.

"And I took you here because I knew what you were having, and you needed a peaceful and calming place" He calmly said and still facing my tired eyes.

"So, your first thought was the girls restroom?" I frowned my eyebrow "Plus, you didn't even know what to do" I teased him a little and smiling.

"How did you know?" He frowned his eyebrow too.

"Hey! I could be seeing things not clearly and all blurry, but at least, I could hear your footsteps and your murmurings and your desperation to calm me down" I said getting up from the cold floor. I heard him mumbling to himself and scrolling his eyes.

"What you're doing? Why are you getting up?" He asked getting up too and holding me on the arm, afraid I might fall.

"I'm fine! Really! I want to know if there is any news from Beth." I grabbed my books and got out of the restroom, and trying to hide Dominic's body, but mission failed, because he was taller than me...much taller.


The Director spoke to me about Beth and he told me she was in the hospital making a few diagnostics, but the Doctor said that in general she was alright.

I told Dominic to meet with his friends, but he refused until I convinced him to go.

The rest of the day wasn't very productive. Me and Dominic missed out a lesson because of what happened and then, my whole classmates were all around me making questions about Beth, and as always, I tried to be nice and answer as fast as I could and with short answers so I could get away from that situation.

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