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"She did a bad thing and apologized for it" He softly touches my hair and pats it gently "And that's ok, we all make mistakes" My eyes wanted to close so badly "But the right people will forgive others" And in that moment, my eyes slowly open to listen more carefully to his wise words "And I think you're capable of that because I know you are a good person" His voice sounded softly but kind of hoarse, it was definitely music to my ears.

"Beth was the first and only person who came up to me and said «Let's be friends» and since then, she never left me" My body kept laid on the towel that was on the green grass and my head resting on Dominic's legs.

"I remember when I was younger I put some makeup" He went silence for a few seconds "I was really liking to see myself with eyeliner and lipstick" I could sense that he was probably smiling "Then I went to my mother and she looked at me like «what is going on on your mind to put makeup on your face?» but I pretended that everything was normal, because it was really normal for me, you know?" I nodded agreeing with him "And suddenly my mom said «makeup is for girls, you shouldn't go outside looking like that» and that really hurt me because it came from the person I love the most, man" I adjusted my position and tried to look at him.

"Honestly, I think some men look better with makeup than some girls who try really hard" I raised my eyebrow "Makeup is not a gender from what I know, and I believe it hurt like hell that time for you"

"Hm yes" He moved his hand that was on my head to my arm and started moving it up and down "But I was kind of used to be judged by people because I was this and that...but coming from my mother felt different" He looked up "She knew I got affected by what she said, but didn't say anything, so I went again to my bedroom and removed my makeup feeling like my own mother didn't accept me for who I am and feeling even more outsided" He was really feeling this and seeing him exposing his past was really heart whelming.

He, once again, went silent for a bit more time and kept making me want to fall asleep there for how pleasing was having him caressing me on my arm.

"She ended up apologizing the next day..." He looked at me getting my hair out of the way "And you know, that's those little things that matter, why would I keep being sad? If I like, I like, if they don't like, then they don't. It's my business, not theirs. And I accepted her apologizes because people make mistakes and sometimes say something spontaneously. I will not resent and just keep being myself and just accept their opinions. Although my mom didn't accept at first the way I am, she learned how to deal with it and ended up liking it"

"That means you're a good person too" I made a cute face and sticking my tongue out a little while smiling and playing with his pink hairband that was actually on his leg.

He laughed booping my nose. I love having him helping me through my problems and seeing that he has examples or telling me a little bit more about his past makes me feel that he trusts me and is not ashamed of his past and who he is.

"OK CAPTAIN! GET THE FUCK UP!" He screamed and forcing me to get up with him. I jumped from being scared of his sudden scream. He grabbed my hand hugging me and then lifting me up making me panic a little bit.

"DOMINIC" I started squeaking and moving my legs because I wasn't feeling the ground.

He spinned me around and I hold myself even tighter on his neck and hiding my face on his neck too.

"Aaagh" He squished me even more and finally put me on the ground.

I looked at him having a sudden idea.

"Let's play some charades" I point my indicative finger up and grabbed my phone that was on the red towel.

Dominic seemed to be confused because I talked really fast and moved even more faster.
I opened the app and instantly said that I was going to be the first starting because I was the one who gave the idea. Bossy, I know.

Strange Looks || YungbludOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora