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Max's POV

Everyone left me here- their crucial words lingered in my mind as I clicked onto one of Jess' videos that needed to be edited. As expected the estatic sound of her voice rang through my ears as I started to make changes to the video. Hours passed as I slowly started to doze off while editing Jess' video- the only thing that kept me awake was the sound of her shrill voice as she screamed in my ear-drums. I frowned before taking off my headphones, my hand quickly ran towards the computer-mouse before I paused the video. "I need to stay awake- perhaps going on a run will help me?" 

I quickly jumped out of my chair before dashing towards the staircase. I pushed past vaccent desks and long hallways until I finally made it to the familiur spiral staircase that was my only exit. The windows that sat on the walls of the staircase illuminated the room as I made it to the final step before I opened the front door of the building. However as soon as I opened the door a chilly breeze ruffled my hair as I slowly jogged steadily out of the building.

Perhaps I wasn't expecting much- I mean it was 10:00pm at night, but I was wrong. I started to jog past a small store that sat beside the office. My feet skirted as I looked around at the half vacant parking lot that now sat infront of me. I quickly jogged forward feeling a sudden tug in my stomach as I proceeded forward. I quickly jogged past a vehicle- unable to see it by the dimness of the area however as soon as I went past it- the sound of a car turning on came from behind me. 

I quickly spun around expecting the car to drive into me. However infront of me sat the car- with its headlights now on. Only problem was that two figures were standing infront of the headlights- watching my every move...

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