Chapter 7

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Ross' POV

A day had passed since the incident or whatever happened. Max just keeps telling me that it's nothing but I can tell that there is something going on. Every time I bring it up, he looks at the ground and blinks several times as though he is trying to stop himself from crying. I sighed as I leaned back in my bed. I still had an hour before I had to go to the offices' I wanted to ask Max more about it but I know that would get me nowhere, should I just leave him alone? I mean if he is pushing it away like that then I guess I can but why would he be on the brink of crying then? I moaned as my hands rushed to my hair, at moments like these, I honestly hate my wirl-wind of thoughts.

I shook my head to clear away the thoughts as I got out of bed, I grabbed a clean pair of clothes and opened my bedroom door. As I walked towards the bathroom, I turned towards the kitchen to find Tim making himself a bowl of cereal, he looked at me and smiled, "Hey Ross!" I nodded my head tiredly at him before I entered the bathroom.

Luckily Tim and I cleaned the bloodstains and hid the pocket knife from Max the day we found out about his cuts, however Max's cuts are now fully healed and Tim is allowing Max to wear long sleeves now, which sends chills down my spine seeing as he wears long sleeves almost all the time. As I threw my clothes onto the counter I stared at my reflection for a solid minute as I asked myself what Max and Adam could be hiding and why Max won't tell me. I sighed knowing that I couldn't change anything so I quickly jumped into the shower to get ready to start the day.

I'd quickly pull on a shirt and pants before I stepped out of the bathroom. Max and Tim were sitting on the couch, already ready to head to work, "How'd you both prepare so fast!" I sighed as the two of them laughed at me. Suddenly Max's phone went off and he quickly checked it to only sag deeper in the couch and sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Jess, is coming to the offices." Max sighed as his dark brown eyes blazed in anger, however Tim just looked up at me with an evil smile.

"Whose Jess?"

"Oh don't worry about it, Max is just over-reacting!" Tim reassured me, Max shot him a confused glare but Tim blinked at him innocently, "anyways let's get going, we don't want to be late!" Tim spoke in now an enthusiastic tone, I glanced at Max who shook his head at me before he followed Tim towards the car that sat in the parking lot. As we got inside of the car I couldn't help but ask myself why Tim was acting so happy about a girl named, Jess. He probably thinks she is a cool pal or something. I shrugged as I pulled my seatbelt around me.

As we pulled into the offices, I felt my stomach drop but I didn't know why. We continued inside until a short woman who had tan skin raced over towards us, her black hair flowed in the wind as she ran towards us, she paused infront of us and smiled at Max and Tim, "Hey Tim, Max, and-"

"Ross, my name is Ross."

The maiden smiled at me for a second before speaking, "Good morning Ross, my name is Jessica but you can just call me Jess for short!" Jess smiled at us before looking at Max, "Hey Max, I want to do a couples Q n. A of Adam, yourself, Red, and Barney."

"Barney and Red aren't even dating!" Max yelled but Jess simply chuckled.

"But every time they are near each other it's obvious sparks are flying!" Jess smirked at Max before looking back at me, "Anyways Ross, if you ever need love advise come strait to me!" Jess let out a quick giggle before she raced back down the hallway. Probably to find Adam and the others, I frowned as I looked at Max; I had nothing else planned so I guess I could watch their video or at least them recording it. Tim had already ran off to his station which left me to follow Max down the hallway until we met up with Barney, Red, and Adam. I quickly paused as I watched Max walk towards our co-workers.

Do I seem like I'm intruding them? I just want to watch the recording... I frowned as I glanced over to find Tim and Jess running towards us with a camera and a camera-stand. As Tim began to assemble the camera, Jess walked over towards the two couples to explain to them how the video was going to go down, "I- hey Jess, how will they see the questions?" I asked which brought everyone's attention on me.

"I thought that they should just look at their phones but, I guess we can slide them a piece of paper during each round that askes them the question." Jess shrugged before she signaled for Tim to begin the video.

"Hey guys Sky here and welcome to an Office Antics video and well- today we will be doing a Skyzan vs. Redney Q-N-A, anyways the first question is, how did you meet your partner?" Adam spoke as he sat beside Max, the two of them were shoulder to shoulder while holding hands, although Max looked alittle uncomfortable. He might be uncomfortable since this is going to be posted on YouTube. I thought to myself as I continued to watch my friends.

"Highschool." They all answered in chorus, the questions continued until one question showed up which made Adam intense, "If you couldn't date the person your already dating, then who would you date?" Adam's face was as red as a tomato from anger, I didn't understand why but he just was. Suddenly Max stood up and quickly did the outro before anything could happen.

"Aww, but Max." Jess whined as Max began to walk away from the set, Max spun around to face her and before Jess could say anything Max began to walk away again this time with his middle finger in the air.

"M-Max!" I began as I started to chase him but Max just walked into the meeting room and slammed the door behind him. I sighed as his ginger hair remained in my mind before I turned to walk away, I quickly paused before I threw my head over my shoulder to look back at the meeting room, "You know, I don't understand why you have to be such a Mad Max," I began to walk away but I heard the door behind me creak open.

I turned around to find Max as red as an apple from his anger, "Ross, you have 3 seconds to run... 1..." I smirked at him before I spun around and began to run away from him, I could hear his loud foot-steps behind me as we raced through the offices. Our co-workers stopped what they were doing to watch us but, I didn't mind, as long as I can stop Max from locking himself up in a room.

Suddenly I felt a weight grab me from behind and together we both tumbled on the floor of the offices. My head hit the ground with a loud thud, and I looked up to find Max pinning me to the ground. His dark brown eyes with golden tints were staring into my eyes. We both remained in this position for a moment before Max quickly jumped off of me, "Heh, sorry buddy." He quickly reached out his hand and I grabbed it as he pulled me up to my feet.

"I'm going to go complain to my wife, Knack about this!" I joked which put a smile on Max's face, "Anyways, I'll see you later Max!" I smiled at him one last time before walking to my office. I'm surprised Max didn't try to punch my throat out; he usually hits and kicks people who call him Mad Max but instead he gave me a smile. I wonder what's going on with him today?

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