Chapter 15

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Ross's POV

A lump formed in my throat as I watched the ginger's breathing slow down until it came out as slow gasps for breath. I glanced over towards Tim who sat in the seat beside me before I looked at Max once more, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked as I felt a hand lay on my shoulder which I assumed quickly to be Tim since he was the only other person in the vehicle with me.

"If we told Max that we were going to drag him to a therapist to seek him help do you really think that he would have tagged along?" Tim's dark brown-gray eyes closed in frustration as the two of us let out a sigh in unison. "Put your seatbelt back on, we're almost there." The trees around us continued to flash past our vehicle until we finally made it to the building, Long Pine Therapy.

"Get him out of the car while I go inside and figure out what we're supposed to do." Tim demanded as I quickly walked towards the back of the vehicle. As I swung open the vehicle I couldn't help but smile as I gazed upon the ginger who was asleep- he looked peaceful as he slept as though nothing could ever disturb him. I breathed in a breath that I didn't realize that I had been holding before I quickly loosened the straps that held Max down. As I loosened the straps one of Max's hands touched mine and I couldn't help but blush; I allowed one of my hands to slowly inch forward before I ran my hand through Max's hair. A small relaxed mumble came from the sleeping ginger as he leaned into my touch.

Why did I agree to do this to my best friend? I asked myself as I quickly held Max bridal style, his head rolled against my chest as his legs curled around my arms. I glanced up to realize that a mother and her child stood only five feet away from us and they were watching me in fear. I don't know how the Tim and me thought that this would have looked normal but when we planned to carry Max inside of the building Tim thought that this would be completely normal...

I quickly smiled at my small audience. before I sheepishly dashed towards the Lone Pine Therapy office building. Tim was standing at the front desk arguing with the lady who stood behind the desk, the lady turned to look at me before she frowned, ever dark blue-gray eyes looked from Max to me before she returned her gaze towards Tim. "I will get one of our therapists to talk with your friend however we are going to need at least one of your phone numbers in case of an emergency-"

"Here take mine!" I quickly interrupted as I thrust Max down onto one of the seats that sat in the waiting area. The other patients watched me in confusion as they watched me run away from Max before I sighed the paper to give the lady my phone number for Max's sake.

"Good now just wait out here until we call his name I- what'd you say his name was again?"

"Max Laplume." Tim sighed as the lady took the paper from me before I began to fiddle with a pen that was obviously out of ink. "Go watch Max, Ross!" Tim snapped at me causing me to drop the pen I was holding. Whispers sounded around the room as I quickly glanced at the ground in embarrassment- great I've just made a fool out of myself...

"Ye..." I responded as I quickly raced towards the seat where I abandoned the ginger. As I walked back to the waiting room, I found Max curled up in the chair still. His head was leaned against the armrest as his hair covered his eyes. A smile found it's way onto my face as I sheepishly sat beside my friend before I started to play with his hair.

"I'm sorry that we are doing this to you Max- I hope that you understand that its for the good of making everything better... that perhaps, your little rain clouds will finally go away?"

"Heh, its alittle late for that..." Max's voice rasped from beside me. I frowned halfly to myself as the ginger apprehensively raised his head until his eyes met mine. "Why Ross..."

"I'm sorry Max I just wanted to help you!" I whimpered as my hands rushed to my face. I could feel warm tears rushing down my cheeks as the next sentence ran out of my mouth before I even had time to process it, "I'm a bad friend!"

"Ross..." Max sighed as he took ahold of my chin with his hand, for a moment our eyes locked and I could swear that Max was blushing. But, why would Max blush- I mean we are just friends after all. "Ross, your an amazing person. I- I am alittle dissapointed that you didn't tell me you were taking me here but, your a good person for trying to help those you love."

I sniffled quietly before I weakly grinned at the ginger, "why do you always have to get butt-hurt?" The older Male punched me in the shoulder playfully but the two of us stopped our little childish act when the backdoor squeaked open. A tall lean male walked inside of the waiting area, a clipboard sat in his right hand.

The man looked down at the clipboard before looking back up, "Max Laplume?" Max exchanged an uneasy glance with me before he stood up. The male who must have been the therapist rushed forward and greeted Max as though the two of them had been friends for centuries.

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