Chapter 11

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Max's POV

3 days had passed since Ross and I quit Skymedia, Tim constantly nags Ross and I on about how we need to get another job sooner or later. I just don't think I'm ready for the work setting yet, I'm not ready to go back to working inside of a large office again. I was snapped out of my train of thoughts when my phone dinged beside me, I slowly get into a sitting position, my bed creaked beneath me as I reached over for my phone. I turned on my phone to realize that I had 2 new messages from Pookie and Jerry. I quickly opened up my text messages and I began to type back to them as soon as I read the message.
Jerry: Hey guys, sorry for the sudden news but I'm going to be in Seattle for the next week, can I crash at anyones place?
Pookie: Sorry but, no.
Max: Pookie just admit your love for Jerry, already!
Pookie & Jerry: Shut up Max!
Ross: Max and I have a roommate so your going to have to crash with Pookie.
Jerry: Alright oh and I have an idea for a couple of games we could play while I'm in town!
Max: Your saying that as though you want to livestream your visit to Seattle.
Jerry: Nah, but we can always record it.
Pookie: Sure, as long as we capture some Mithross moments!
Max & Ross: POOKIE!!!!
Jerry: Sure Pook's I'll capture the moments just for you!
Max: Aww~
Ross: I think I'm going to be sick!
Pookie: Oh shut up you two!
I sighed before I tossed my phone onto my bed, I knew that Ross would never date a guy like me so everytime somebody would mention, 'Mithross' I could always feel my heart breaking into two pieces. My phone continued to buzz from notifications but, I decided to ignore it, if Jerry was coming to Seattle that meant that I would need to act alot happier around my friends; I know Ross can help me out if we acctually need to tell them what happened however I'm just worried that Pookie and Jerry will step out of our friendship from my cutting habit.

I slowly laid back down on my bed until my face stared up at the celing, I just want to forget about the past; I sighed knowing that laying here all day would never get the past out of my mind. I slowly rose into a sitting position once more before I walked towards my closet to change into a brand new set of clothes.

As soon as I was finnished pulling my head through my shirt, I heard a knock sound at my door. I quickly fixed my golden 'Z' chain before I hurried towards my bedroom door to find Ross on the other side, his curly brunette hair looked fluffy in the dim light and all I wanted to do right now was to touch it. "Hey Max, did you get Jerry's message?"

"Yeah he's coming to Seattle, so what?"

"He's coming today." Ross corrected me, I could feel my hand turning into a fist as I stared at Ross in disbelif, before I could say anything Ross slowly nodded his head.

I threw back my head screamed out, "D*n it, Jerry!" I let out a long sigh before I allowed my hands to raise for my hair, I looked at Ross who was about as nervous as I was. I don't know why Ross was so nervous but, I could tell from his shaky arms that he didn't want to have Jerry around this soon. "We just need to hide everything from them..."

"Hide everything? Hide the fact that we quit our jobs just because our boss decided to touch you! I'm pretty sure Pookie and Jerry will figure that out someday- they figure almost everything out!"

"...not everything..." I sighed quietly as my eyes quickly looked down at the ground, the one thing that Pookie and Jerry never found out was that I cut myself for my love of Ross, because of the deal, and because of my depression; I am probably never going to leak that information to Pookie or Jerry because knowing them, they would just tell the entire world. As I snapped out of my thoughts I realized that Ross was murmuring in confusion but I only shook my head at him, "it's nothing, just forget it!"

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