Chapter 1

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Ross's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I quickly banged around my desk until I could finally hit the right button. I sighed as I sat up before I slid my glasses onto the crook of my nose, today is the first day of work! Today is the day I get to meet my co-workers and move to my new apartment! I can't wait to get out of here! I said to myself excitedly as I got out of bed.

I quickly grabbed a fresh pair of clothes before I raced into the bathroom, I wonder who my roomates will be? I mean, I've been living with my parents my whole life and now I'm finally old enough to move out! I just hope they aren't some sort of cycopaths. I smirked halfheartedly to myself as I slid into the shower.

After I got ready, I raced out of my room to find my parents beside the door, my mom was holding her car keys meanwhile my dad just gave me a tired smile, "We will finish packing while your at work, Ross." My mother said cheerfully as she led me out of the house to her car: the car was a bright blue van; I quickly sat in the back before pulling the seatbelt around me, as my mom drove me to work she began to cry while telling me what to do or how to not anger the boss.

I sighed as I tried to reassure her that I would do my best. Work was the least of my worries, my main worry was sadly my roomates. The landlord did not give me information on who I would be sharing the apartment with so I was getting the jitters. As we pulled up into the parking lot, I looked at my mom whose eyes were now red and puffy from crying. "Mom, I'll be fine, besides I'll give you a call if I need anything."

"That's my little Ross!" My mom chirped sadly as she tried to maintain a weak smile, "Have a good day at work, honey!"  I quickly shot my mom a smile as I grabbed my bag before I walked inside of the building. Inside of the building there was a large empty desk and a hallway. I turned down the hallway to find a ginger haired Male chasing a dark brown haired male.

And everyone here is a cycopath? I asked myself as the brown haired male paused, which made the ginger bump into him. "D*n it, Adam!" The ginger yelled before he turned to face me, his face suddenly dropped in anguish, but he quickly looked at the ground to hide his face from me.

"Ah, you must be Ross, my name is Adam and the hot-head here is Max!" The Male who was apparently named Adam spoke as he wrapped his arm around me as though we've been friends for years, I chucked quietly but I frowned quickly realizing that Max was still looking at the ground.

What's wrong with him, and why does he look so familiur wait a second. "Hey, your that kid from high school." I said which made Max look up quickly in surprise, he looked at Adam and then back at me before nodding hesitantly.

"I-yes that was me." He quickly scratched the back of his neck as he smiled weakly, "I-I'm going to go back to edit videos... bye!" He quickly took off not giving Adam or I a chance to talk to him; I sighed before returning my gaze to Adam.

"Don't mind my boyfriend. His sharp tounge makes him hate conversations!" Adam laughed and I froze for a moment as I recollected his words.


"Oh right, well after high school Max and I just became the bestest bro's so you know I just started dating him."  Adam shrugged in response, suddenly footsteps sounded down the hallway and three people walked in.

"O's Adam's whose this dirt!" The first guy asked as the other guys whom were following him walked towards Adam.

"This is Ross, he will be joining us."

"Oh nice to meet you Ross, my name is Tim, that's Barney and Red!" The Male who was apparently named Tim spoke, he shot me a kind smile before Adam broke the introductions.

Protect or Harm | A Mithross FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora