Chapter 17

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Max's Pov




"Dude, turn off your alarm clock!"Tim's voice yelled from the living room, making me groan before I smashed around on my nightstand until I was finally able to turn my alarm clock off. Three days have passed since my two roomates dragged me to therapy; I still don't understand why they care- why they acknowledge the fact that I'm hurt. When for so long multiple people have just left me in the dark but, I'm thankful to know that they are trying to help me. I let out a sigh before I tossed my legs onto the side of my bed before pulling myself off my bed.

My entire body felt lacerated from the cuts that lingered all over my body but, I tried to ignore it as I hopped off the bed before marching towards my dresser to grab my phone. However, as soon as I grabbed my phone a reminder that I missed last night caught my eyes- the reminder itself was about a carnival that was in town today. I've always wanted to bring Ross to a carnival- perhaps to have fun with him, or win him some prizes to show him my love. But, I sincerly doubt Ross will accept my request.

A frown slowly drew itself on my face as Adam's words started to envade my thoughts, "Your nothing Max. Ross will never like you- why can't you just accept that?" I bit my lip before shaking my head trying to shake the thought away, No- no Adam was nothing but wrong. I need to try! I quickly threw on a blue t-shirt and black pants before racing out of my room towards Ross' room. A sigh escaped my lips before I paused infront of the younger male's door, I slowly curled my hand into a fist and raised it- ready to knock on the door. However, before I could slam my fist into the door, the door opened up ajar revealing Ross staring back at me with surprise gleaming in his crystal blue eyes.

Shoot- I didn't plan this far. I gingerly lowered my hand before scratching the bakc of my neck akwardly, "Hey Ross, I saw flyers saying that there is a carnival in town and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Ross glanced down at the ground for a moment as though unsure before looking up at me however instead of getting the response I expected. Ross gave me a response that sent shivers down my spine, "Sure, what about Tim?"

I don't know what this new feeling is- hatred- disgust- jelousy? I sighed before looking up to meet Ross' eyes as I tried to think up a lie quickly, "Oh, TimTam is busy editing!"

"Oh well, of course I'll go with you Max- wait when is it?"

"Today at noon." I uttered as I looked into Ross' eyes- those same blue eyes that drew me in the first time we met in person.

"Well then, it's a date!

"D-Date?!" I could feel my face growing hot as I quickly looked down trying to avert further eye contact with Ross. "I-uh.."

"Oh heh- I meant like friend date; what did you think I meant?" Ross chuckled nervously before shooting me a grin of confusion.

"Oh- it's nothing, bud." I'd pause before looking down at the ground, I let out a low sigh before muttering my next sentence under my breath; making sure that Ross couldn't hear me, "Goodjob Max, you almost blew it infront of his adorable face!" I quickly glanced back up at Ross and pressed a fake smile onto my face, "alright, I'll remind you around noon if you forget."

"Yeah, yeah; just keep speaking out your butt Max." I heard Ross utter as I started to make my way down the hallway towards Tim's room. I need to make sure that Tim is distracted- but with what?

I gingerly knocked on Tim's door to only find the younger Male wall out to peer at me, "Ugh- what Max?"

"Hey, uh- you should totally head out to the store man- we need uh grocrries!"

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