Chapter 22

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A/R- Hey guys, sorry for being absent for 7 days: I had some things going on but I'm back now! Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter  :3

Ross' POV

After they led the two of us to our stations I couldn't help but frown at the barren desk that now lay infront of me. My hands quickly scrambled into my box before I started to pull out figurines, my mouse-pad, even pictures of a few memories that I adore. The last item I pulled from the box was the squirrel plush that Max had won for me. My eyes lingered on the squirrels bowtie before I placed the stuff-animal beside my computer monitor.

"Hey Ross!" A voice called out from behind me, I quickly spun around to find Max standing there with a large box in his arms- a goofy grin was placed on the ginger's face as he placed the box down on my desk. "I got a gift for you!"

"W-where did you get that so suddenly!?"

"Oh, I ordered it online and coincidentally it came in the same day we did!" Max looked back at the box before returning his brown eyes to me, "open bud!"

"Ok?" I quickly proceeded towards the large box that lay on my desk. Its brown walls were mimicking me as I quickly started to open up the box- my heart quickened in glee as I realized what was in it. "Oh, thank you Max!" Inside of the box lay a large anime body pillow.

Max smiled before nodding, "Anytime Ross!" However the two of us were quickly interrupted by someone coughing behind us, I turned around to find Jason looming down at the two of us.

Jason was tecnically our second boss as he is Jessica's husband. I shifted my foot before looking Jason in his dark blue eyes, "hey Jason- wassup?"

"Your both behind scedule- I expected better from the two of you. Ross, Jess needs you to voice some lines for a character in her roleplay. Max- you have two videos that need to be edited."

"Gee, your a great public figure, Jason." Max retorted sharply before marching towards his desk which sat beside mine.

Jason rolled his eyes before pushing a stack of papers into arms. atms. "The character that your going to be voicing is named Daniel. Once you have it finished send the entire shot to Max so then he can take out the access sounds." Jason turned towards Max who was setting up his station before yelling out, "Got it!?"

"Yeah, yeah." The ginger uttered before he slid his headphones over his head, signaling that he wasn't listening to our conversation anymore.

An hour passed until I felt as though I finally got the characters voice right. I sent the link to Max who was furiously editing one of Jessica's newest videos before I looked over at the time on my computer. 12:35, maybe I can go to lunch? I quickly got up before heading towards the front of the building and found Jess speaking with someone whom I've never seen before.

As soon as I got there Jess turned to me with the biggest smile on her face, "Hey Ross what's up!"

"I'm heading out to lunch, wanna come with?"

"Sorry, I already went!" Jess giggled, "just make sure you come back by 1:00!"

"Will do!" I responded before I lunged out of the building ready to smash my face into either Wendy's or McDonald's.

After I ate I quickly drove back to the offices. I headed upstairs to only pass by Jess and another person who worked in the office. Both of them passed me awkwardly before uttering something to each other, however I was sadly able to hear them.

"Do you think he knows why Max has gone mad?" Jess whispered which made me freeze mid-step.

"I honestly doubt it. That man is insane and I'm surprised no-one has locked him up yet.

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