Chapter 10

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Ross's POV

Even though we quit Skymedia, Max is still over-anxious; I walk past his room every night to hear him blasting a song and to find him mumbling something under his breath but he uses the song to drain the sound of his voice. I don't know why but I feel like I should try to talk him into going into a therapist. I mean I can't force him to go otherwise what kind of a friend would I be? I quickly shook the thoughts out of my mind before I snapped back into reality, I was laying in my bed staring at the celing. Max was in his room that was across the hallway blasting a song that I've never heard of.

I quickly got into a sitting position before I walked towards Max's room, I gingerly laid my forehead against the door to hear him whisper words underneath his breath. I sighed before I raised my fist and I began to knock on his door. For a moment nothing happened until the music paused and suddenly Max's voice sounded, "yeah?" I sighed knowing that we had just left the offices, so it wouldn't be the best idea to drag him to a therapist. I backed away from the door as the door creaked open and the ginger peered through to look at me.

"H-hey want to record a video Max?" I gingerly asked as I looked up into Max's dark brown eyes, Max smiled before nodding his head, "Great, let me just gather a few games and then we should be settled!"

"A few games?" Max asked as I began to turn away, I looked back at him with a large grin on my face.

"Get ready to be the second best Otaku out there! And you are looking at the best one!" I claimed as I held my hand against my chest.

"Who, the floor?" Max joked but I sighed in an offended manner before the two of us broke into a laughing fit, "I'll start getting my camera ready." Max spoke one last time before he dissapeared into his room. I smiled to myself before I walked into my bedroom to get ready for the video, I already had 2 games in mind; Nekopara and Delicious! Pretty girls Mahjong Solitaire although I presumed that Max had a third game in mind, if not then I would just make him play Deep Space Waifu.

I quickly exited my room once more to only be greeted by Max's door that was open ajar, "Max?" I called out, a small whisper sounded in response so I causally entered his bedroom. As soon as I entered his room, I found Max standing beside his computer, the computer screen had the game Deep Space Waifu already pulled up on it however Max was still adjusting the face-cam.

"Ready when you are." Max spoke as I simply gave him a thumbs up in response to start the video. As Max and I did the video I couldn't help but find myself getting distracted.

Near the beginning Max had called me Senpai but I wish he'd meant it in the opposite way. I don't know why but my heart won't stop pounding everytime I'm near him. Am I sick or something; Should I go see a doctor? Nah, I'll be fine, as long as I have Max on my side. As Max and I continued the video, I tried my hardest to make it seem as though Max knew nothing about Anime; finally the final game came around which was Delicious! Pretty girls Mahjong Solitaire, Max looked content as he played through the level that I was stuck on however he made one wrong move causing him to loose the game.

"No more pick, and you lost." I glanced over to find Max watching the computer in devestation.

Max slowly backed away from the computer but his eyes continued to stare at the screen, "I-I lost?"

"But, your at my level; this is as far as I could make it."

"I lost!"

Max suddenly yanked his glasses off of his face as I looked down at the ground, "You lost."

Max sat there in silence for a moment until he finally screamed, "I'm not anime!" I glanced up to find Max jumping out of his chair and suddenly running in my direction, I quickly moved backwards and watched as he raced for the door to only trip on a wire.

"He tripped and fell," I spoke as I looked up at the camera I quickly went closer to the microphone before saying, "Like a baka!" I glanced back at Max who was still on the floor, not moving, "you good- oof!" I spoke as I quickly got out of my chair to go see if Max was ok.

As I stood beside him, I slowly got to my knees before I poked his shoulder, "Max?" I whispered but all I got in return was a muffled groan. "Are you ok, pal?"

Suddenly Max sat up and before I could say anything else Max managed to push me over by grabbing both of my legs. As I fell to the floor, I looked up to find Max getting to his feet; Max looked down at me before he smiled, "Whose the baka now?" I smiled back at Max as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. I don't know why but this is the best I've felt in a long time.

Mithzan- Anime Training with Ross!

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