Part 16

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Chapter 16 (reupload because there was a problem on mobile??)

Amy's POV

I had to wake up at the crack of dawn the next morning, which was dumb.

It was the first day of Christmas vacation and I wanted to sleep in. In fact, I only remembered that I did have to wake up early at about 1:30 this morning when I had jolted out of bed and remembered to set an alarm, fumbling with the clock and almost knocking myself out of bed in the process. As you can see, I only got about four hours of sleep last night and was now clearly screwed because I had a long day ahead of me.

This long day began with a meeting with Snape. Hahaha this was so fun.

At 5:30 I was greeted with a loud beeping coming from my alarm clock. Instantly infuriated with the cacophonous noise, I slammed my fist down on the snooze button and got out of bed. Since I had left the party early last night (really due to emotional stress and all) I decided to begin packing because I knew I would be doing all sorts of stuff in like the .5 seconds before I was leaving for the Weasleys'. Sadly, this was probably the most productive thing I've ever done in my life.

Anyway, I knew I didn't need to see Snape for a while so I continued on my surprisingly productive path and finished packing for vacation. I felt weirdly awake and decided to get dressed and ready for the day. So far everything seemed to be going quite smoothly for me, so I thought why not go visit Snape now before waiting for my day to turn to crap. That way I could see him while I was upbeat and hopefully (but not likely) keep in good spirits for him. So that's what I did. I should have known that it would only take a mere glance at him before I was scowling.

Snape was glaring at me, maybe that was why I was suddenly so put off by him. I sat down hesitantly across from him in his office but he continued to stare into the very depths of my soul. 

"Good morning ... sir," I said quietly, remembering for once to add the respectful 'sir' to the end of my greeting.

Snape spoke through a frown. "Your father has been communicating with me about you," Snape began. "I'd like you to know, Miss Wolfe, how much I've had to lie on your behalf."

I shrugged. "You don't have to," I muttered.

"Of course not, I solely thought that you were scared of your father's wrath," Snape replied.

"When did I say that!?" I demanded, forcing myself to stay seated. If you haven't gathered thus far, I'm a proud person.

Snape sighed. "If you insist on being difficult -"

I let out a huge breath of air, loosening my unconsciously tightened fists.

"It's natural to be afraid," Snape went on, "and I am only trying to help. He's been asking about you and I've left out a substantial amount of information regarding your activities, such as your, er ... well, let's just say your incident with Potter last night." Snape put far too much emphasis on the word 'incident' for my liking.

"Okay, first of all -"

Snape held up a hand. "I'm not interested. But know that I did not tell your father and I don't plan to unless things get out of hand - far more out of hand than they already are, I mean."

I gritted my teeth, fighting a blush that was creeping over my face. "Thank you," I practically spat out.

"He also passed on a few messages to you," Snape continued. "Most concerning your upcoming vacation. Your father is sending Death Eaters to the house where you'll be staying."

This time, I did jump out of my chair. "What?!"

Snape did not flinch. "Do you need me to repeat myself?"

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