Part 4

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Chapter 4


After the battle at the Ministry, I had a lot to think about. Sirius died, Voldemort was back, and the Ministry knew it. There wasn't much time to think of my social life at school. That being said, Amelia Wolfe was someone who rarely crossed my mind this summer.

Although, I remembered vividly the moment that Theodore Nott appeared. He was trying to help us, and one of the Death Eaters killed him. I thought about that. Amy was his girlfriend. Did she even know?

"Wow, Amy!" I exclaimed. "I didn't think I would see you here!"

Amy grinned. "It's great to see you again, really," she replied. She looked at everyone. "All of you. How have you been?"

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked at me, expecting me to continue. I guess she didn't know about the casualties at the Ministry. I nodded my head enthusiastically, knowing that I would get a chance to tell her sometime alone. "Good. Yeah, things have been great. How's your summer been?"

She shrugged. "Alright. I ..." she trailed off. "I've been dealing with some stuff."

I smiled sympathetically. "You're not the only one."

"Arthur, Hagrid, and I are going to go on ahead," Mrs. Weasley said to the kids. "Catch up later - and don't stay here for too long. Nice to see you again, Amelia."

"You too, Mrs. Weasley," Amy said, kind as ever.

The three adults walked off. I turned back to Amy. "Er ... I'm guessing you know already," I said quietly. "You know, about what happened?"

Amy looked down. "Teddy ... um ..." she couldn't bring herself to say it. I detected a waver in her voice and I suddenly completely understood.

"We're really sorry, Amy," Hermione said.

Ron spoke up. "We were there."

Amy looked up, confused. "Why the hell were you guys there?"

I looked at Ron sharply. "Ron, jeez." I turned back to Amy. "It's a long story ..."

I went on explaining what had happened at the Ministry. Amy listened in, attentive and interested. I told her all about Teddy's death, Sirius's death, and Voldemort. By the time I was done, she looked shocked.

"So that time last year that you needed Umbridge's office ... that was for this?" she asked.

I nodded. "We needed to get away."

"I see," Amy replied. "Well, I guess it's sort of good to know how he died. And I'm sorry about Sirius ..." she trailed off again, taking a big pause. Something about her demeanor changed in that pause. "I - I really am." 

The five of us stood in silence for a few moments, not really knowing what to say. It had been a long time, so this was a bit of an awkward experience for all of us.

"Hey, we should get to the shop," Ron said.

"Shop?" Amy asked.

"My brothers opened up a joke shop. Wanna go see?" he asked.

Amy nodded. "Sure."


I walked alongside Harry and his friends. It had been easy to pretend. I knew everything that had happened at the Ministry, obviously, but it was easy to act surprised. I looked down for a moment. I had a moment of self loathing.

I had to hear Harry explain Teddy's death all over again. Hearing him refer to me as a Death Eater ... as the crazy Death Eater who killed Teddy. I heard the hate in his voice. It almost broke me. I tried to push the thought out of my head. I had to stop thinking of Harry as a friend. His hatred of me (the real me) shouldn't bother me.

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