Part 31 (Part 4 of THE END)

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Chapter 31

Amy's POV

I had smacked him.

God, what a little bastard. After he had told me what happened, my first response was to smack him upside the head.

"Amy, what are you -" he said, holding a hand to the red mark on his face.

"You ... you ... uGH!" I screamed, hitting him again.

He put his hands up in an attempt at surrender. He had scrambled off the bed, hopping to the other side of the room. He grabbed a pillow, holding it up in front of me. "Don't hit me, Amy, just calm down," he had said.

I threw it at him.

"God damn it, Draco!" I yelled.

"Amy, calm down, Amy ... Amy!" Draco said.

I picked up another pillow and had it ready to throw, but dropped it by my feet on the ground. I took a deep breath. "Okay. Okay. I'm calm."

Draco put the pillow down. "I'm sorry, Amy."

I'm sorry, Amy.

I spent months contemplating what he had told me. Every day he crossed my mind. I set aside a small period of time every day going over what he had explained regarding who he was forced to be and what he was forced to do.

"Your father gave me a mission," Draco had told me at the end of August.

"A mission? So in addition to becoming one of his mindless cronies, he has you running errands for him?" I had demanded.

"No, it's different. It's big."

"God damn it, Draco, just say it straight." I had been angry. I wanted answers, not a stupid guessing game.

"Your father wants me to kill Dumbledore."

And single damn day since that moment I couldn't stop thinking about Draco's suicide mission. The stupid parameters my father had laid out for him to follow. His task was no easy feat, which is why my father assigned him with it. I knew, my father knew, Snape knew, Narcissa Malfoy knew, even Draco probably knew that the task would destroy him. If he completed it, he would never be the same again. If he didn't, my father would make sure Draco suffered.

And even on the fateful night which it happened, Draco did not kill Albus Dumbledore. Severus Snape did.

It was as much of a shock to me as it was for everyone else standing in the area. I knew Snape was a double agent. Harry Potter certainly had his doubts about Snape's allegiance but I think in the end, Harry believed that Snape was some sort of antihero for their side.

Snape always had this respect for Dumbledore. Even when he was working against him, he would talk about the Headmaster with deep regard. And to think that Snape would be the one to kill him... I mean, I guess we know where Snape's loyalties truly lie. It was still no less of a shock to me. I never really liked Dumbledore a whole lot, but I understood how important he was to, like, the entire wizarding world. So his death definitely left me a little discombobulated. Such a prestigious person couldn't simply be gone from the world, could he?

But now - now I could only wonder what would happen to Draco.

Moving forward, however, it surprised me how much can happen in one brief second. The minute Dumbledore fell from the ramparts, Snape grabbed Draco's shoulder and shoved him forward, leading him quickly down the stairs and out of the tower. Every Death Eater followed suit.

Amy Riddle - Volume 2: The Half Blood Prince (A Voldemort's Daughter Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن