Part 15

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Chapter 15

Amy's POV

The next day I stood in front of the mirror for longer than I think I ever have. I twirled around, making sure I looked good from every angle. I spent another twenty minutes on my makeup after I was certain the dress looked arlight on me. I forced myself to look nice - I wasn't going back home for anything. After an angry departure from Malfoy Manor, I knew that hell would be waiting for me back home. Finally, after my makeup was finished, I spent another half hour on the tangled mess that was my hair. When I finally flattened it down, I frowned, changing my mind and deciding to put it up.

I was a pretty confident person. My self esteem was high, coming from a rich, powerful family. I thought I was generally attractive. People always told me how much I looked like my father in his younger years, and when I saw pictures I could admit that he didn't look bad. So if I looked like that, I must look fine. But I never cared very much how I looked, because if someone told me I looked bad, I would just hex them.

For some reason, I wanted to look good today. I wasn't sure why, because it certainly wasn't becasue I liked Potter or anything. I didn't... I definitely didn't.

I passed a few other girls who were wearing their own dresses for the party through the common room, but I just wanted to get out of here. I felt out of place. I was almost at the door when I collided with someone. I glanced up, beginning to mutter a quick, "Sorry!" but then realized it was Draco. Smirking, I said, "Watch where you're going, moron."

He smiled briefly, but a serious expression washed over his face soon after. I sighed at this, knowing that it was his mission that was making him so boring and solemn all the time. We couldn't joke around like we used to.

"Hey, so I was actually just coming to look for you." Draco motioned with his head to lead me to a quieter part of the common room. I followed him grudgingly. "I need your help with -" Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you wearing a dress?"

I looked down. "I look terrible, don't I."

"No, no, you look -" I could sense his cheeks flushing. "You look good. But -"

"It's for Slughorn's party. I wasn't going to go but someone asked me," I explained. As Draco opened his mouth to ask who, I cut him off. "It doesn't matter, we're just going as friends."

Draco seemed to understand, as he nodded. "So, er, do you think you can help me out?"

I looked into his pleading eyes, but hesitated. "I - I don't think I can right now, Dra. I want to, but -"

He shook his head. "Whatever. It's fine, I can handle it."

Draco seemed uncertain, but I let it drop. "Good luck," I said quietly.

As I began to walk away, I heard him call out, "Have fun at your party!" I swear I heard a trace of bitterness in his voice.


Harry and I met in an empty hallway, lit by strange, bulbous lights that gave of a pinkish, organgish glow. He smiled when he saw me and I managed some sort of half grimace.

"You alright?"

I snorted. "Social events aren't really my thing."

So we walked to the party in an awkward half-silence. Harry would ask me a question and I would reply with a brief two to three word answer. ("Did you hear there's supposed to be a Vampire here?" "Oh, really? Cool.") Harry would then nod and we would resume our silence. I realized I probably wouldn't be the best person to take on a date. I stopped before we walked into Slughorn's office, a deep frown on my face.

Amy Riddle - Volume 2: The Half Blood Prince (A Voldemort's Daughter Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt