Part 29 (Part 2 of THE END)

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Chapter 29

Amy's POV

My instructions were to wait. To go about my daily life for the next couple of hours until the Death Eaters entered the school. To not draw attention to myself and to make sure no one grew suspicious of the plan.

I knew that Dumbledore would not act on his knowledge of my lineage even though I refused his offer of help. He was probably more sad than angry at me. That meant that I could remain at the school and keep my secret hidden for at least a little while longer. I was actually more afraid of Slughorn than Dumbledore at the moment. Dumbledore was more powerful, but Slughorn could casually let it slip in a conversation. And who knows who he would tell. Maybe even Harry Potter himself, given that Slughorn was kind of obsessed with him.

With all that was going on, I wanted to talk to Draco, still, but Madame Pomfrey really didn't want him to have any visitors, I guess. He would be able to calm me down. Draco was very involved with all these plans all year, and I was not. Technically I wasn't supposed to know what was going on. Everything felt very hectic to me right now. I knew Draco had to be involved tonight so I wondered how he was going to get out of the hospital wing considering that he seemed to be on high lockdown.

So with no one to talk to and no classes I had nothing to do but think. I had tried to find Harry because with all of this going around I knew he would be pretty suspicious of everything. Unfortunately he was nowhere to be found. He seemed to have disappeared from the school. Which, ultimately, was kind of a good thing, considering how much of a problem he would be to the plans. I found myself easily plotting against the faculty and students of the school despite how halfheartedly I had originally agreed with the plans.

Darkness began falling on the school and the anticipation I felt lurking in my stomach started to grow. I got that butterfly feeling and decided to take a walk around the school in an attempt to calm my nerves. It didn't work entirely but I was eventually able to get some more information.

I walked up to the corridor where I knew the Room of Requirement would soon manifest only to find Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, and Neville Longbottom walking back and forth in front of the blank wall that the door usually appeared on. I furrowed my eyebrows and put on my best innocent face as I walked near them.

"Hey, guys!" I exclaimed, waving my hand.

I expected them to call back and say hi, maybe wave or something like that, but they only looked up and smiled in response. I remembered Harry's words to me earlier, warning me that some of the people in Gryffindor house weren't as trusting of me anymore. I had to give them credit - these were tense times and everyone had to be on their guard. Even me. So as much as it inconvenienced me, it also made a lot of sense.

"What's going on?" I asked, nearing them.

A hesitant look passed between them. I could sense the atmosphere grow tense and wary. I made eye contact with each of them and found them all to be unreadable.

"Oh, I get it. A secret." I huffed out a breath. "No biggie. I'm all good."

Ron sighed at my let down expression. "Sorry, Amy. It's Dumbledore's Army stuff."

"I'm in Dumbledore's Army," I said flatly. Something they always seemed to forget as I never went to meetings and was in Slytherin.

Ron scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah."

"It's okay, whatever," I mumbled, pretending to act super upset about all of this. I nodded my goodbyes and then turned down the hall. I walked kind of slowly, hoping that Ron or Ginny or Neville would call out to me and decide to trust me. I bit my lip and furrowed my eyebrows when I heard nothing but I made sure I didn't look back at all or give them the impression that I cared (which actually I really did).

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