Part 13

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Chapter 13

Amy's POV

More days went by. Christmas was happening quickly. Instead of staying with the Malfoys and my father, i would be going home for vacation with the Weasleys. I had worked it out with the Death Eaters who were speaking for my father. I was glad I was too, as my relationship with my dad was no better than it was four months ago. Furthermore, this would give me a chance to further my mission. it was proving quite difficult at the moment. I could hardly even approach Harry because of all the drama he and his friends were going through.

After Gryffindor's huge win last week, Ron and a girl named Lavender Brown had apparently hooked up, and a sort of wall was built between the three of them, namely Ron and Hermione, with Harry acting as a sort of peacekeeper. This was a tricky situation for me as well, because Being with Hermione meant complaining about Ron's manwhoreish ways and being with Ron meant playing third wheel. And Harry was too busy with the two of them to pay me any mind.

Harry's POV

Hermione was angry.

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Of course, now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements." Hermione's voice was flustered; she was rambling.

"Have you?" I asked, following her through the library.

"Yes. Why?"

I shrugged. "I just thought, you know, since neither one of us can take who we'd really like... maybe we'd go together. As friends."

Hermione stopped. "Why didn't I think of that?" she asked, with an air of frustration directed towards herself.

"So who are you taking?" I asked.

Evasively, Hermione replied, "Um ... it's a surprise. Besides, it's you we need to worry about. And you can't pick just anyone." Hermione shifted position, so she was facing me. "See that girl over there?" she asked, indicating a girl with curly brown sitting at a table on the far end of the shelves. "That's Romilda Vane. Rumor has it she's trying to slip you a love potion."

I blinked, staring at the girl. "Really...?" She was quite pretty, actually, absolutely -

Hermions snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One."

I grinned stupidly. "But I am the Chosen One."

Hermione smacked me on the top of the head with a piece of parchment.

"Okay, kidding. I'll just ask someone I like. Someone cool."

Amy's POV

Having friends was almost too much work for me. If you've ever had two friends that are fighting with each other and you have to take both sides or else one will cut your throat while you sleep then you know what my situation was like. I had never actually been with the two of them at the same time until one Transfiguration class. As we were trying to Transfigure ourselves in front of mirrors, Ron had accidentally given himself a horrendous looking moustache. In addition to the slight snickers you woule expect from everyone, Hermione laughed rather meanly at him.

In retaliation, Ron did a nasty imitation of Hermione leaping out of her chair to answer McGonagall's question. Hermione didn't take to kindly too this and quickly left the room. I turned to Ron and glared. "Nice one."

"Hey, she laughed -"

I turned around, seeing Harry staring sympathetically at her. "Want me to go talk to her?" I asked.

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