Part 9

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Chapter 9

Amy's POV

I packed my things after Potions and began to walk from the classroom when I heard Snape's voice behind me. I turned to him to find that the entire class had left. I was the only one left.

"What do you want? ... sir?" I asked.

He sighed. "Rude as always, Miss Wolfe," Snape replied. "Nevertheless, I realized that you are intent on helping Draco with his task."

I narrowed my eyes. "Where the hell did you hear that from?"

Snape stubbornly said nothing.

I groaned. "... Sir ..."

"I can tell these sorts of things," Snape answered. He tapped his head, referring to Legilimency.

I stomped my foot. "Damn!"

"I have two pieces of advice for you, Amelia," Snape responded. "One, you should watch yourself. Keep your mind closed as often as you can. Clearly there are accomplished Legilmens both in this school and out of it who can tell what you're thinking."

I knew he was referring to both Dumbledore and my father.

"Secondly," Snape continued, "the Dark Lord appointed Draco, and Draco only, to this task. I'm sure if he found out that anyone was assisting him without his direct permission, that said person would find themselves in deep trouble."

I glared at him. "It's none of your business anyway! And he's my dad!" I insisted. "I wouldn't get in trouble."

Snape shrugged. "Your father has spoken of the issues the two of you are having."

I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah, well stay out of it!" I snapped.

"It's quite simple, Amelia," Snape murmured. "Draco may be in over his head. Before you know it, you may be as well."

I stormed from the room without another word. The old man didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

Harry's POV

Dumbledore's private lessons with me turned out to be not unenjoyable, but definitely not what I had expected. As you can guess, seeing Voldemort as a 10 year old was possibly the most life changing thing I've ever seen. It's sort of like seeing your teachers outside of school or pictures of your parents as kids, though also nothing like that at all, evEN WORSE.

Dumbledore and I had spoke about his memory already, covering all the ins and outs of what I had just seen and why it's relevant to the further lessons I would recieve. But there was one thing I never told him. It now lingered in the back of my mind.

I could have sworn young Tom Riddle had reminded me of someone. I just couldn't put my finger on who.

Amy's POV

As the next weeks went by, snow began to cover the ground. My classes went on as usual. I enjoyed them significantly more than last year. By the time it was November, I was really starting to enjoy my 6th year. The Slytherin Quidditch trials came and went. I made the team again, but my enthusiasm wasn't as great this year. Draco didn't try out again, so I had no friends on the team. He was to preoccupied with his mission to enjoy the fun stuff about school.

I almost started complaining that he didn't make enough time for me, but then I would sound like a hypocrite. That's exactly what I did to him last year, as I tried to hard to forget.

One interesting thing about quidditch this year was the fact that Harry was the captain of the Gryffindor team. The Gryffindor tryouts were a few hours after mine, so I decided to look in on those. They would be amusing, at least. I took a seat next to Hermione in the stands, looking over at Harry and his lack of control over the team. It took Ginny to calm them down.

Amy Riddle - Volume 2: The Half Blood Prince (A Voldemort's Daughter Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant