Part 5

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Chapter 5


I sat at my desk. I had finished with most of my immediate plans, and was now sitting, silently, gazing at the wall in front of me. Nagini slithered up to me. I softly pat her head. In the times where I preferred to be alone, Nagini was the only one I could count on to calm me down. I had many things on my mind.

The most prominent being Amelia.

She was still angry with me. I sighed softly. I may be the greatest Dark Wizard to roam the face of the earth, but even with all of the great things I have done, it didn't make me a better father. I honestly felt bad, not knowing what was going on with her. She had told me that she killed her best friend while at the Ministry. I asked Bellatrix, and she explained to me what had happened. Theodore Nott, the son of one of my Death Eaters, had snuck in. As he was about to reveal my daughter to Harry Potter and the rest of the Order, she had exploded the room, accidentally killing him.

I acknowledged that Amelia was not me. She was my daughter, and the Heir of Slytherin, yes, but she was different than I was. I wished she wasn't, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I wanted to speak with her, but she won't even look at me.

In all honesty, I feared for her. In this situation, where I had the inability to communicate with her, I feared that she would become close to Potter and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix, and wouldn't have the proper guidance to know any better. In spite of me, she would join them. If she did, I wouldn't know what to do. I suppose I would have to kill her, although it, regrettably, pained me to do so. It pained me to even think about it.

I couldn't deny it. Amelia was the one person I cared for in this world.


I followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione down towards Knockturn Alley. I saw Draco and Narcissa ahead of us, walking into a shop. I recognized it as Borgin and Burke's. I hated that store. The Malfoys were always shopping there and they often dragged me along. I narrowed my eyes, attempting to get a closer look at the store.

"What are they doing?" Hermione asked.

I saw the two Malfoys greet a stooped figure inside, who I recognized as Borgin. Borgin pointed to a cabinet in the corner. I looked closer, and saw that it was a Vanishing Cabinet. I knew immediately what this meant. Draco had explained my father's plans to me in minute detail, so I assumed the Vanishing Cabinet would play a part in the final stages of the plan. I closed my eyes briefly, hoping that Draco would be careful. Vanishing Cabinets could be pretty sketchy at times.

Draco went over to the cabinet, brushing his fingers over the surface. He turned back to Burke, and I saw their lips moving. They were obviously discussing something. Borgin opened a curtain to the back room, and they walked through.

"Come on, let's try to get a closer look," Harry said.

"We should really go," I insisted. "What if they see us?"

"We need to get a closer look," Ron replied. "Come on."

"No, wait -"

"I have an idea," Hermione said. "Amy, you're Draco's friend. If you go into the shop, they won't suspect anything, because you're friends, right? So you can go in and find out what's going on without anyone thinking anything of it." 

I grimaced. It wasn't that easy. I decided I could make up something ... or at least say something really vague. "Alright," I replied. "But you have to promise me to wait at the top of the alley. Just go back to the shop or something and I'll meet you there." The three of them seemed uncomfortable at the prospect. "Go. Or I won't do it." 

"Okay," Harry said. "Good luck."

I waited until Harry and his friends were out of sight until I moved. I walked down the steps towards the shop and opened the door. The minute the door jingled, I Disapparated, heading towards the shop again. I made sure to take my time, stopping at shop to get some sweets before I went back into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

I would just tell Harry something really vague, to make sure that he doesn't have too much to go on, but he doesn't suspect me of anything. As I was walking into the shop, I realized how tired I was, and how much I hated pretending in front of the Order. It really took a lot out of you. It was stressful, sort of like a huge homework assignment that never ended. I constantly had to be planning, thinking about what I would do and what sort of after effects my actions would bring upon. Every time I saw Harry and his friends I wished I could be a normal teenager.

I nodded at Harry when he saw me. "Hey, so what's up with Malfoy?" he asked.

"I didn't hear too much. They were already leaving by the time I went in," I replied. "Draco's ... putting a, uh, a warranty on an object there."

"Do you know what it is?" Harry asked.

I shrugged. "No, sorry. I only know that it's important, and he needs to keep it safe while he's ..." I trailed off.

"While he's what?"

I realized that I had said too much. I smirked. "I don't know. I didn't hear anything else," I explained, easily covering up my mistake.

"Well, thanks, Amy," he said.

"No problem," I replied. "Anyway, I better be getting back. My dad is probably ... probably worried."

"How's he taking the whole Voldemort thing?" Harry asked.

I shrugged. "I dunno." I bit my lip for a moment, determined not to cry. I skimmed over the truth. Although I wasn't exactly telling him anything, the vague answers I gave weren't lies. "We don't talk that much anymore."

"How are you taking it?"

I laughed softly. "I'm ..." I couldn't tell what I was feeling.

He seemed to understand. "I'm scared," he interjected. "I think everyone's scared."

"Me too." I sighed. " ... Me too."

Amy Riddle - Volume 2: The Half Blood Prince (A Voldemort's Daughter Story)Where stories live. Discover now