Part 3

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Chapter 3


Later that day, Draco and I received our supply list - that meant Diagon Alley, which meant possibly running into Harry Potter and his friends. This would be the moment of truth. If they recognized me, I was screwed. I could only hope that they still knew me as Amelia Wolfe, and not the Death Eater that tried to kill them and the Order of the Phoenix.

I found myself feeling nauseous, so I decided to lie down. I stayed on my bed for a few hours before Draco and I had to leave. By this time, Narcissa and Bellatrix had returned from wherever they went, and Narcissa would take us to Diagon Alley.

"Amelia," Narcissa said, before we stepped into the fireplace. "Draco and I will be heading into Knockturn Alley. Bellatrix told me that your father wishes for you to track down Harry Potter while you're there."

There was a twist in my stomach. "I'll just go with you. Honestly, I don't give two flying -"

"Amy, just do it," Draco muttered, giving me a sideways glance.

I supposed he was right. Besides, if I made my father angry he would take it out on not only me but also the Malfoys. I didn't want to get them in any more trouble than they were already in. Not on my behalf.

I sighed. "Sure. If that's what you two want me to do." I put special emphasis on 'you two' to let it be known that I wasn't going to give in to my father that easily.

We were soon off. I stepped into the fire first. I grabbed a handful of Floo powder, said, "Diagon Alley" as clearly as I could, and dropped the powder. I was gone in a green poof of smoke, leaving Malfoy Manor behind.

I arrived in the fireplace at Flourish and Blotts. I stepped out of the fireplace, only losing my footing for a moment. I absolutely hated using Floo powder, and ten thousand times over preferred Disapparating. The only reason we didn't is that technically I'm not supposed to know how, but my father had taught me as soon as he returned. It was one of the first things I had learned from him personally.

I walked a few steps forward into the crowded bookshop. Draco and Narcissa soon appeared behind me. I continued through the crowded shop, pushing past people who were in my way, attempting to make it to the front of the shop.

I turned around. "So I'll see you two later?"

Narcissa nodded. "You can go back whenever you're done," she said. "We'll see you back at Malfoy Manor."

I nodded, turning around and walking out into the streets. Diagon Alley looked much different since I had last seen it. The sight of it made me immensely sad. The windows were covered up by posters put out by the Ministry. Most of them had the faces of people I knew on the front. I saw black and white moving pictures of Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. I turned away, trying not to stare for too long. The other posters on the windows were security precautions. I squinted to briefly look at the instructions on how to protect yourself from a Dementor.

I snorted, continuing down the road.

As I turned the corner around Flourish and Blotts, I saw a shabby looking stand - one of many. This one advertised cheap looking amulets that claimed to protect against Dementors and Inferi. The man running it looked like a total creep. Looking around, I saw many of these stands, each showing different crappy products that I knew had a whopping 0% chance of working.

I continued shopping. I had already visited Madam Malkin's for my robes, and I had stopped in on the Owl Emporium to get snacks for my owl, Coal. I had gone back to Floruish and Blotts to get the few books I needed. There were a bunch, and some were harder to find than others, but I had succeeded. I was just coming out of the Apothecary after getting my Potions ingredients, when I ran right into a special someone.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, stepping backwards as to not crash into him.

This was the moment of truth. As I hopped down the stairs, I tried to force away the feeling that I was going to throw up out of my stomach. I smiled, desperately hoping that I didn't look constipated.

Harry looked over at me. He was accompanied by Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, and Rubeus Hagrid. As I stared into his eyes, I couldn't determine if there was a trace of ... anything. He seemed normal.

I inwardly grinned. Perfect. Just as oblivious as always.

"Nice to see you again, Potter," I said.

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