Part 12

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Chapter 12

Hermione's POV

I walked slightly behind my two friends as we headed back to the Gryffindor common room. Something like this happened last year as well, except the victim was me. Harry and Ron had to tell me multiple times what had happened to me. Amy and I had been walking back from class when I apparently turned around to speak with Hagrid. I was found in the Forbidden Forest a few hours later with my memory wiped.

It seemed odd to me. Harry and Ron almost seemed completely oblivious to the fact that Amy was not necessarily involvedin the incidents but she was certainly - coincidentally or not - a witness to both of them. Maybe it was just a wrong place wrong time kind of thing. Harry, Ron, and I certainly had our fair share of those.

I know I shouldn't be too quick to blame, but it's like when you have one of those gut feelings. Nevertheless, if Amy wasn't the one who did it, she was definitely dragged into this mess.

Amy's POV

Snape and I said nothing to one another on the way to his office. He strutted in front of me, and I practically had to sprint to keep up with him. I would have tried to ask him what the hell he was doing, but I had a pretty good guess to why he needed to speak with me.

Snape slammed the door once we entered his office. Barely a second went by before he whirled around and started screaming at me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded.

I raised my eyebrows. "Someone needs a chill pill."

"Amelia, I thought your father ordered you not to get involved with Draco's task," Snape continued.

"Since when do I care what my father wants?" I snapped.

Snape sighed. "Amelia -"

"No, no! I'm sick of it. I'm done!" I turned my head away from him. "Everyone's always going on about how I can't disobey my father and - and - I don't care anymore! I just want to be normal. I want to do normal things and have normal friends."

"You say that, and then you go cursing necklaces and playing around with magic that is not only dangerous, but far passed your skill level," Snape said.

I crossed my arms tightly. "Hey! The spell worked! The girl's almost dead!"

Snape frowned. It wasn't a disapproving frown, really, but more of a sad one. "You say that as if it's a good thing."

I tried to think of something witty and sarcastic but nothing came to mind. Instead I dropped my arms to my sides.

"Amelia, I know who you are, believe me." I was shocked to find Snape actually trying to reason with me. For once in his lifetime he wasn't being fascist. "I know that you think you need to make your father proud -"

Despite Snape's valiant efforts at reason, I refused to hear it. "No! No, no one understands!" I exclaimed. "You have no fricking idea the pressure I feel every. Single. Day."

"Amelia, please -"

"I'm sick of people telling me that I can be good!" I cried. I felt tears coming to my eyes. "Some days - some days I want to! I really want to! I know I have it in me ..." I faltered, my voice becoming quieter by the second. "But I can't."

"Why not? Dumbledore would -"

"I know Dumbledore would try to protect me," I said softly. "But he can't."

Snape was silent. "We would all protect you."

"It's impossible. You think he's obsessed with killing Harry Potter?" I snorted. "If he found out even that I was considering it, I would move right to the top of his hit-list. If he knew, he would make my life a living hell. I - I -"

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