I felt her hands lift up my shirt and she smacked her lips at the sight.

"Imma go get the pomada and bandages. Stay right here."

It's not like I was going anywhere.

It was only a matter of seconds when my mom returned with her supplies.

"I used to do this for your abuelo when I was younger," my mother whispered. "Tu abuela showed me." I laid there quietly listening to her as she bandaged me up. "And then I did it for your dad."

"I remember," I muttered. "You'd always send me to go get the emergency kit cuando algo paso."

"This isn't right." My mother shook her head. "You're Thomas' daughter." She sniffled. "They shouldn't have done this to you."

"Ma, por favor. No lloras." I felt bad putting her in this situation. "I knew Cuchillos woul-"

"Cuchillos?" My mom's facial expression changed. "He had something to do with this?" She was no longer crying... she was pissed. "Ese maldito." She cursed.

"Ma, it's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal? That son of a bitch is supposed to make sure nothing happens to you just like he was supposed to make sure nothing happened to your dad, and..."

"Mami, please." I pleaded. "I went behind the Santos' back. Like I told you already, I knew what would happen if I got caught. There's nothing you could do that would change any of this. It happened. It's over."

My mom pursed her lips together and said nothing. She knew it was true. She couldn't do anything to change this.

"There." She got up and set a bottle of pills down on the table. "If you need something to help you sleep." She gave me a soft smile.

"Thank you."


"Rosie... Rosie... Muerte." I opened my eyes and tried to instinctively get up but the pain didn't let me. "No," he whispered grabbing my hand to stop me. "Don't get up."

I let out a sigh and went back to how I was laying. "What the hell are you doing here Oscar?" I rubbed my eyes and let out a yawn.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." I felt the bed dip indicating that he sat down.

"In the middle of the fucking night when I'm sleeping?"

"How are you feeling?" He didn't answer my question.

"Tired." I replied flatly. "Now that I answered your question, can you please get the fuck out of my room before my mom hears your loud ass."

"Is she mad at me?"

"Don't worry she doesn't know you made the call." I sighed. "She's mainly mad at Cuchillos."

"Rosie y-"

"Don't. Don't call me that."


"Oscar." I warned him.

"Fine." He huffed and stayed quiet for a moment. "Rosario, you and I both know something had to be done. That's just the way shit goes. You weren't gonna get off scot free."

"I know." I whispered. "But you do understand why I did it, right?"

"Of course I do, ba.. I mean Rosario." He corrected himself. "But I couldn't just let shit slide because you're my ruca. I mean you're a Santos first." I let out a dry laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Your ruca?" I asked.

"It's true." He exclaimed. "You're mine and you know that." I could see his silhouette in the dark and saw that he made himself more comfortable and laid on his back. "Or is it not true?"

"Shut up, Spooky." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know I fuck with you, right?"

"Geez Oscar, can you be anymore romantic?"

"You know what I mean." The bed moved a bit as he turned to face me.



"Kiss me." He leaned in and gave me a small kiss on the lips. "I like you too." I confessed. "Even though I can't stand your ass half of the time." I joked.

"Whatever," he laughed propping himself up on his elbow and stared at me. "I really am sorry about how shit went down." He caressed my face with his free hand. "Does it hurt?"

"Hurts like a bitch," I inhaled sharply. "But I'll be fine," I exhaled.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, you looked pretty badass. You know, not backing down and all."

"Gee thanks Oscar," I retorted. "Because that was my only concern when I got the shit kicked out of me. It's not like I had a choice." I tried to joke but I knew Oscar didn't find it funny. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know." He sighed.

"I know."


A/N: So Rosario obviously got the shit kicked out of her for not listening. What do you think about Oscar's decision? Should he have let it happen? What do you think? The way it went down will be revealed in the next update.

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La Muerte// [Oscar Diaz]- On My Block [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now