Ch. 10

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*Rosario's POV

"Fuck Oscar," I tried to control my breathing as he set me down.

Oscar and I have been in the bathroom for hours now, waiting for the lock down to blow over. I knew that if Oscar was out there with the kids he would go off, so we decided that it was best to stay away from them and stay in the bathroom.

"Are you feeling any better," I turned to Oscar as I pulled my hair up in a pony tail.

It was so fucking hot in here.

"Yeah," Oscar pulled me in closer. "I'm feeling much better," his hands trailed down my back and rested on my bottom.

"Mmm Mmm..." I shook my head no. "We just did two rounds. Let me take a break for a sec, fool." I slightly pushed him back.

The lights then shut off and all we heard was the kids yelling out Jamal's name.

"Man," Oscar smacked his lips. "This shit needs to be over already."

"Relax, papi." I sat down next to him on the ledge of the bathtub. "It'll be over soon."

"You need to stop if you don't wanna go for another round," he said in all seriousness.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes smiling. "Come on," I stood up holding my hand out. "It's too hot in here." Oscar arched an eyebrow at me and stood up.


I turned around and was about to open the door when Oscar smacked my butt.

"Aye," I pointed at him.

He just smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall seeing the kids at the table, deep in their conversation not even realizing that Oscar and I were in the room.

"Fine," Monse rolled her eyes. "I'm changing my answer. I'd make love to Jamal and marry Ruby."

What the hell is going on here?

"Happy?" Monse asked.

"I am," Ruby smiled. "Because even though we're married, we're having sex, and a lot of it," he smirked. "She made me get clipped," he whispered to Jamal making Oscar erupt in laughter.

"Uh, you want to play?" Jamal asked.

"No he doesn't want to play." I answered for Oscar.

"Okay," Oscar shrugged completely ignoring me.

Here we go.

"I'd kill you," he pointed to Jamal. "I'd kill you," he pointed to Ruby and then pointed at Olivia.

Don't even think about it.

"I'd smash you," Olivia covered her chest. "I'd smash you," he pointed at Monse then pointed at Jasmine. Jasmine ended up doing this weird thing to entice him even more.

"Fine," Oscar shrugged pointing at Jasmine. "I'd smash you too. Then I'd kill you." He added.

Oscar put his arm around my shoulders.

"And I'd most definitely smash you."

"Get off me, cabron." I shoved him off of me and went straight back to the bathroom.

"Hey!" He called out making his way over to me.

I flipped him off and slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it.

That asshole.

"Rosario, I'm talking to you!"

Even back in the day Oscar would do shit like that. We would constantly fight over some girl.

La Muerte// [Oscar Diaz]- On My Block [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now