Chapter 50 - Lane

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It's been six months since Lane entered the world and life has been busier than ever. There have been many sleepless nights, late night feeds and nappy changes, but I wouldn't change it for the world because he has completed me in more ways than I could have ever imagined.

For the first couple of weeks of Lane's life Mom, Dad and Avery stayed in Springs to help Chet and I take care of him and got to spend as much time with him as they could. I will admit it took a lot of the work load off Chet and I, with both Mom and Avery more than happy to get up during the night to take care of him, and Dad? Well, I was lucky if I got to hold him; Dad is so in love with his grandson it's adorable. 

Once they left things became a little more full on and reality set in. But we can't complain too much, Lane really is a good baby, and the older he is getting the more set into his routine he's become and now he's even beginning the sleep through the night.

At this stage I haven't gone back to work yet, and I'm not sure when I will return. It turns out Austin was right; once I held my little man for the first time, I never wanted to be apart from him. Chet feels the exact same way and even though he is still working, he has been doing all of his work from home. 

Making my way downstairs with a smile as loud giggles fill the house. When I reach the living room, I discover why; Chet and Lane are sitting on the couch together in front of the TV. Chet is pretending to eat Lane's hand and Lane giggling loudly; this is his favorite little game to play with Chet, as simple as it may seem. 

Standing in the doorway, I watch my boys with a smile, I'm so thankful for both of them. Chet is an amazing father (I never doubted that he wouldn't be), but he truly amazes me. From the second Lane arrived home, Chet has been there to help me every step of the way. In fact, he gets up more times during the night than me. I've told him a million times to wake me when it's my turn, but he never does, he lets me sleep. 

Before we had Lane, I was always told that children have a favorite parent, but Lane honestly doesn't seem to. He loves being with Chet, but he always loves being with me. He interacts with both of us differently, he mostly want's Chet when he's feeling playful, but he comes to me when he want's snuggling.

"What are my boys doing?" I question Chet, not having noticed me standing there..

"Hi Mommy," Chet grins as he looks up at me. "Nothing, just playing aren't we buddy." He says as he leans down pretending to eat Lane's arm again. "We didn't sleep much though, did we little man?"

"Did you give Daddy a hard time last night?" I talk to Lane in a baby voice as I join them on the couch.

The second I sit down, Lane puts his arms out to me and Chet passes him to me. "Hi baby," I coo as I take him into my arms. "Maybe daddy should go and have a sleep, and you can come help Mommy clean the house before Sasha and Ryan get here," I talk to Lane, but really I'm talking to Chet.

"Sounds like a plan," Chet yawns. "I'll see you in an hour or so," He says as he leans over kissing my cheek.

Standing to my feet once more, I take some of Lane's toys from his small toy box in the corner of the room and place him down on his play mat with them. Because he's still so little, it'll only be about ten minutes or so before he loses interest in his play mat and toys and starts to cry; so I get to cleaning the living room as quickly as possible. 

Right on cue, he begins to cry as I finish cleaning the living room. Quickly, I grab his baby carrier and tie it to my front, then I pick him up and place him in it, not wanting him to wake Chet. "Is that better?" I ask, kissing his head. "You just want to be up doing whatever mommy and daddy are doing, don't you?"

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