Chapter 25 - Truth

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It's been two weeks since Chet and I started out on our adventure and today we're driving back to Hills to spend one more night at Mum and Dad's before we return to Springs.

Our time away together has been nothing short of amazing. Every little town we stopped in, Chet had pre-paid and booked our accommodation, and of course, Chet being Chet, we stayed in the most beautiful hotels he could find with the most expensive rooms. I was so thankful for his generosity, even though he knows I would have been happy with a tent in the park.

Every location we stayed at was right on the water, so we spent most of our days on the beach. If we weren't swimming, we were walking and exploring new things, or eating at little cafes, and if we weren't out, we were in the hotel, in bed.

Overall, we visited four little towns on the trip, one of them being Ocean View, the first place we stayed. Its name and location match up perfectly. Both Chet and I fell in love with it and agreed to come back one day.

The biggest change that came from the trip is how Chet and I interact with each, we're in a really good place, and took the time to really get to know each other on a deeper level. It's easy for us to speak openly with each other now, and that's not something we had before.

The only thing I wasn't open about was my father and what he does for work. I trust Chet, I feel ready to tell him, but It scares me to think what his reaction may be. I know that I can't keep something this big hidden from him, but If I tell him now while we're still at the very start of our relationship, I could lose him forever.

As we drive towards Hills once more, I can't seem to stop my mind from over thinking, everything is starting to feel very real. It's no longer just the two of us, soon we'll be back in Springs and things will go back to normal, only it won't be the normal at all because now we're together.

I have a million feelings running through my mind and body all at once. How are we going to do this? What if I stuff up? What if I'm not a good girlfriend, God I hate labels. How are our family and friends going to take the news? I know my Father will flip because he already has a vendetta against Chet for no reason, but everyone else? How will they react and really, should I even care?

"I can hear you thinking." Chet speaks, looking across at me.

"Music should help." I reply as I lean over, reaching for the volume button.

At the same time as my hand reaches the button, Chet's hand reaches mine and takes my hand in his, moving it away from the button. "Or we could talk about it? You know you can talk to me, right?"

"I know, but there is nothing to talk about." I lie.

"If you say so say." He nods his head, turning his attention back to the road.

Dean's POV:

"Evana, can you come here a moment?" I yell from my position sitting behind the desk in my home office.

"What is it?" She asks as she walks into the room, looking tired.

"I found something on Chet." I tell her as I stand to my feet.

"Oh, for heaven's sake Dean, what happened to you letting it go? You said you'd let it." She rolls her eyes and turns on her heel, heading for the door.

"Evana, I'm telling you it's not good," I call after her in a warning tone.

Turning toward me once more with a huff, she places her hands on her hips. "Okay Dean, what did you find? What did he deal weed as a teenager?"

"Think about it, Evana. Raven, his name is Chet Raven, who else do you know who has that last name?"

She drops her arms by her side and thinks about it for a moment, but soon giggles softly with a shake of her head. "Please tell me you're joking"

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