"Oh, this is starting to look a lot like a pillow fight, baby girl"

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   "You're such a dork!" You grin at Sam who's been throwing jokes, sarcastic comments and lowkey flirts at you the entire night - as usual. "It was so good though, you gotta gimme that," Sam persists, always confident in his words and actions no matter what the situation is. It's really how he is. There won't be a moment where you see Sam succumb into a bubble of insecurity - it just doesn't happen. He's way too cocky for that. It always annoyed you. The way he'd smirk with the glisten in his eyes.
Mainly because it was attractive.

   "No, but you gotta gimme that remote so I can switch to another channel," you crawl towards him on the bed, trying to pull the remote from his hand that he's been holding on to for too long. Sam laughs as you still attempt to retrieve the remote, but Sam's grip on it is too strong, and instead of giving in, he starts yelling along to the Top Gear intro blasting from your tv. "Sammmm," you whine, slowly giving up on your mission and instead crawl back. Sam notices your sad face and finally gives in. "C'mere Y/N," he quietly says, pulling you over to let your head rest on his chest as he switched to another channel with a movie playing - something with some girls having a sleepover. You let out a short breath, trying not to awkwardly place your hand upon his chest. You've known Sam for a loooong time. Though not like this. Are you even ready for it? Is he ready for it?

   "Is it true that girls have naked pillow fights when they have sleepovers?" Sam nonchalantly and sarcastically says behind you. You chuckle. He moves his head to look at you. "I'm dead serious, I wanna know if I should join next time," he hides a smirk behind his lips, obviously enjoying himself and the thoughts racing through his dumb teenage boy's mind. You "pshh" at him and retreat your eyes to the tv.

   "You keep your sword fights in your locker rooms, and we keep our non existent naked pillow fights at our sleepovers by ourselves," "A- hey, we don't do that!" Sam obviously felt exposed on that one, as he rather quickly tried to convince you that it really is not true. "Alright, then our naked pillow fights aren't real either!" You sit up to meet his eyes with a playful smile. "We should fight on this one," Sam grabs your hip.
"Well I don't have a dick to sword fight you with, so I guess we're gonna have a slight problem,"
"Mmh, you're right. Naked pillow fight then?"
"You are delusional, Sam,"
"I'm hopeful,"
"You're incredibly stupidly delusional,"
"I'm incredibly stupidly hoping that you'll agree to my idea," he raises his brows.
You grab a lonely pillow beside him and slam it into his face. He immediately sits up and pins you to the mattress with your arms up, him sitting on top of you, restraining your body. "Oh, this is starting to look a lot like a pillow fight, baby girl," he grabs a pillow and smashes it into your face as revenge. You gasp and grab the pillow that was previously thrown into Sam's and attempt to smack it back at him, but Sam pushes it away with his pillow.

   And it went on, and on, and on, and on until you were so out of breath that Sam put away his pillow and lifted you up from the mattress, gently taking the pillow out of your hands and throwing it to the floor.

   He wraps your legs around his waist as he wraps his arms around your waist, proceeding to keep you close in a hug. Your arms instinctively ended around his neck as you gave into the hug, slowly running your fingers through his soft and even messier hair from the pillow fight. You look at Sam who still has his arms around you, but with eyes that are... insecure? Unsure? Scared? Sam the confident boy is suddenly insecure?

   "I'm sorry that the pillow fight wasn't naked," you try to ease the tension by jokingly chat with him. He smiles with confidence again as you feel his thumb caress your lower back. "It's okay. It brought us here, didn't it?" He lightly hums. You scrunch your eyebrows. "Hm?" You question. His eyes play with yours. His thumb caressing your back, making a crimson stain your cheeks.
And without even giving you a chance, he leans in a presses his lips against yours. It takes you a moment to come back to earth, but eventually you kiss him back and you feel him smile against your lips.

   He pulls out of the kiss but your eyes are still closed for a bit in shock. He chuckles, continuing the back caressing. "I uh... I didn't..." you give up on speaking as you finally look at him, seeing his own cheeks red, but confidence in his eyes still glistening. "Really at a loss for words, huh?" He teases. You nod, trying to hide a smile. "Then let me go first; will you Y/N L/N be my girlfriend?" He says half jokingly, knowing you hate the really cheesy stuff. "Yes Sam, I'll be your girlfriend," you gained enough strength to kiss him. He smiles at you adorably.

    "I seriously gotta know tho, are those naked pillow fights actually a thing?"


God I'm so sorry for the bad chapter. I'm sick with a cold (yay for Fall) and don't have any energy to write, but I couldn't let you guys hang. I'll hopefully be back soon with better writing and ideas. Thank you for reading anyways tho!♥️

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