You're so dead, Morgan!

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Time flies by.

Your fam is out for the night and they, as always, gave you a whole list of things to be done before they come home. Who do you call when you need help with... literally anything? Sam of course. Your best friend Sam Morgan. He's stuck through thick and thin for you ever since he met you and vice versa.

"Cmon please pick up" - you mumble to yourself as you hold the phone to your ear.


"Please please please pleas—"

"Hey!" - A familiar voice says from the other end.

"Hiya Sam! Uhh my fam is out for the night and they gave me a list of chores, wanna help?"

Sam starts chuckling.

"Sure, why the hell not"

"Thank youuuuuu"

See. Always there for you. Always.

"Alright, be there in a few"

"Cool, bye bye"

"See ya"

A smile creeps up on your lips as you end the call. You sit down next to your window and wait for the familiar voice of a motorcycle engine.

1 minute passes by...

3 minutes pass by...

6 minutes pass by...

And there it was. The faint sound of a motorcycle engine. You jump up from your seat, stepping out in the hallway to open the door.

The door creaks as you open it up.

"Hey there beautiful" - Sam smiles as he looks at you.

"Hey there handsome" - You say before Sam's height hovers over you and hugs you tightly. You stand there for a while before breaking apart.

"So what are these chores you have to do?" - Sam gently pushes you into the kitchen with his hand on your lower back.

"...these" - you hand him the list your fam left you.

"Holy shit"


"That's a lot of chores" - Sam looks shocked at you as he laughs.

"And you wonder why I called you up" - you smile at him before finding a bucket of soap water and hand it to him along with a sponge and a cloth.

"What, you're not helping?" - Sam furrows his brows as he grabs another rag and hands it to you.

"Suppose I am now" - you chuckle as you both start cleaning.

List of chores:

- Clean kitchen
- Clean bathroom
- Wash clothes
- Wash car
- Clean your own room
- Empty dishwasher

Hours pass by and it's now 11 pm.

"Alright we still need to clean my room and empty the dishwasher" - you say, checking the list again.

Sam walks up to the counter beside you and puts an arm around your waist, looking at the list. Your body heats up by his touch. You're standing so so close. You're pretty sure your cheeks are turning red too.

"Tell you what, if you empty the dishwasher, I'll clean your room, deal?" - he looks down at you and scans your face. His eyes stop when they find your lips.

Not able you get any words out as you're slowly getting lost in his eyes, you stutter: "uh... yeah sure"

"Okay" - Sam whispers in your ear as he leaves, walking into your bedroom. You start emptying the dishwasher. Your mind can't even process what just happened.

What just happened?!

A couple of minutes pass by and you're almost done emptying the dishwasher. And then a laugh comes from your room. Oh no...

Sam steps out of your room.

"You have nerf guns?!" - Sam bursts out laughing, holding the guns in the air.

"Hey there's a reason why they're under my bed, okay! I haven't used them in years!" - you say in defense, chuckling. Instead of preparing for an insult, Sam stops laughing and walks up to you. He hands you one of the guns and turns off the lights in the whole house.

"Then it's time for them to be used again" - You can see his smirk through the darkness of your kitchen.

"Game on"

Sam slowly walks backwards, disappearing into the dark. You let him hide for a couple of seconds before loading your gun. You tip toe around in your house.
"This has got to be the most nerve racking thing I've done this month" - you whisper to yourself as a chuckle escapes you lips.
Absolute silence. No one to be seen or heard. You can see the furniture, but there's no chance that you can spot Sam. Sneaky idiot. Sam has got to be the worst guy to have a nerf war with. If there's anyone who's good at handling a gun, it's him.
You keep sneaking around in the house, holding your gun harder than you should. Your steps are soundless... until you step on the wrong spot.


Sam jumps up from his hiding spot and shoots you repeatedly in the back, laughing. You try to shoot him back, but fail miserably as you barely can see what you hit, trying to block your face from the rapidly firing bullets coming from Sam's gun. You both run out of bullets.

"Oh you are so dead, Morgan!" You chuckle spitefully, starting to chase him around. Laughs spread across the whole house until you loose him in the dark around a corner in the living room.

"Sam?" - you say. Silence again. Nothing but the wind outside to be heard. You step forward.

"Gotcha!" - Sam lifts you up and twirls you around, laughing. You wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"You almost gave me goddamn heart attack" - you laugh with him as he puts you down, your arms still around his neck and his hands on your waist. You realize the cold light from the moon is shining upon both of you, as you stand beside the window. You can clearly see his face now, and all he does is smile at you. Just standing there with a stupid smile that makes your stomach go crazy.

Before even realizing what's about to happen, Sam pulls you closer and kisses your lips in the moonlight. Your body heating up, as your lips move in sync with his. You bring one of your hands up to his cheek as he brings one of his up to your neck. You break the kiss and look at him.

"I know this wasn't on the list, but I felt like it had to be done" - Sam chuckles. You laugh and hug him, feeling his hands on your back. You lift your head and kiss him again as a smile plasters both of your faces. You lean your foreheads against each other's.

"I love you, Y/N" - Sam says, his eyes searching for yours.

"I love you too, Sam" - you respond, receiving yet another passionate kiss.

Sam decided to say the night, as he wasn't ready to let you go yet. And thank god that your fam didn't arrive until the next morning.

So you brush your teeth, put on Sam's shirt that he lended you to sleep in, and curl up next to Sam in your bed, him lying in only his boxers.

"Goodnight babygirl" - Sam puts a strand behind your ear and kisses you.

"Goodnight Sam" - You kiss him back and drift off to sleep.


Gaaaah I hope you guys liked this. I'll start being more active from now on. I have plenty of ideas! Feel free to leave suggestions♥️

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