"Keep standing like that, it's a very good view"

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   "Sam, have you seen my shirt?" You mumble, looking through your closet, searching for that one shirt you really wanna wear. You're not really going anywhere in particular, you just had to try it on with your new jeans you just got. The jeans that Sam actually picked out for you, and they actually looked really good on you.

   Sam looks up from the book he's been reading the past couple of days now and then. He scrunches his brows in confusion.

   "Yeah, it's on your body," he chuckles, closing the book with a loud crash and sliding himself to sit on the edge of your bed. "Not the one I'm wearing, dumbass," you sigh, looking at him tiredly from all the searching around like a maniac. "Oh I know, but you just asked 'where your shirt was', you didn't specifically say which one," he smirks at you with a chuckle, clearly finding his gimmicks amusing. You couldn't help but smile at it, but sticking your tongue out at him annoyed, whereas he returned the gesture with his tongue too, laughing. It's something both of you has a habit of doing whenever you annoy each other, it's honestly kinda cute.

   "Oh wait, hang on!" You say, running into your bathroom. "Hangin'" you hear Sam reply from the bedroom. You waltz through the door and go straight to the corner. Yeah, THAT corner. The corner everyone has, right? The corner of piles of clothes you throw off, swearing that you'll pick up and clean, but never do - lets be real, it just lies there. For so many days. So you bend over and ravage in that pile, looking like some sort of animal trying to dig a hole into the ground, completely sure that the shirt is. In. There. And you throw your clothes around, looking through the pile again and again, obviously becoming more stressed about the whole thing since this shirt really is nowhere to be found. You sigh.

   "Keep standing like that, it's a very good view," a raspy, familiar voice says from the doorway with a pleased chuckle. You straighten yourself with a smirk and turn around with a slow pace, meeting the eyes of a boy who was leaning against the doorframe with his head held high and an even bigger smirk. He chuckles again and puts his hands in his jean pockets.

   "I can't find it," you whine with a pout on your lips, stepping closer to Sam who was already pulling his hands out of his pockets again and spreading his arms "C'mere babe," he says with a soft voice, embracing you in a hug. You close your eyes and let his cologne take over your world as his arms are holding you protectively in place in the dim lit bathroom of yours. His hand glides down your back til it runs over your ass. "By the way these jeans look really nice on you," his flirtatious self came in display again with another one of his famous chuckles. You scoff and lean more into him.

   He kisses the top of your head and reaches behind him with one of his arms. "Is it this one you're looking for?" He waves the missing shirt in front of your face with a smile. Your eyes widen in incredulity as you let out a gasp. "You asshole, you had it the entire time?!" You snatch it out of his hand and look at him confused and with fury engraved in your eyes. "It was lying halfway under your bed, I spotted it right as you went into the bathroom," he snakes an arm around your waist and pecks your lips in an attempt for forgiveness. You remove his arm with a blush on your cheeks and instead go to the mirror behind you with the shirt, discarding the one you're wearing to the "messy-pile-of-clothes-corner" and instead slip the one Sam found on. You twist and turn, confidently posing in different positions, meeting Sam's eyes again behind you as they dart directly into your eyes. He retreats his position from the doorway and slowly but teasingly comes up behind you to hug your waist, kissing your neck as he pulls you as close to his chest as possible. His lips let go of your neck and he lets out a peaceful hum in your ear as he looks at you in the mirror. You smile at him wholeheartedly, receiving another smile from the boy who couldn't possibly think about ever hurting you in any way.

   "God you're beautiful Y/N," Sam said truthfully, being so head over heels about you for so goddamn long that he's been throwing cute comments and notices at you constantly the past couple of weeks. He literally can't stop - Samuel loves you dearly, almost as much as he loves Nathan, and that sure as hell is a lot. He can't stop thinking about you, and he's not afraid to show that he loves you.

   "Why're you so flirty today, hm?" You turn your head to let you lips lock with his. His thumb brushes your side. "Aren't I allowed to just appreciate my girl?" He plucks out of the kiss, raising his eyebrows at you. "Well you just seem extra flirty today," "And you just seem extra cute today," he fires back, twirling you around. You chuckle at his comment and give him another kiss, letting him deepen it for a while before you both step back into the bedroom. He leads you in front the full body mirror and puts and arm around your shoulder, standing beside you and looking at your outfit. "You picked out some good jeans, Sammy," you lean your head into his chest. "And I picked out a good girlfriend," he kisses the side of your head.

   And the day continued with flirting, comments and Sam being adorable with you. Usually he'd be flirty if he wanted to do something else, but today he really just wanted to let you know that you were his all alone. It was definitely not a bad day.


Boring one shot, I know, but I thought it was kinda cute. Let me know what you think of these kinds of one shots! ♥️

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