"It's so hot in here that we have to take our clothes offfff" "Shut up, Morgan"

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Warning: Smut!

Heat waves. Hot summer nights. Very hot summer nights indeed, as your window is almost on the verge of breaking because you've opened it so much. But of course it doesn't help, does it? Because as steaming hot as it is in your room, it is outside too. AC is broken. Still haven't fixed that, don't know how to.

So what happens now? What happens, is that you and Samuel Morgan, your currently hot - in both ways - friend, are sweating as you lean against each one of your walls in your room, sitting completely dead and done on your floor. Sam looks at you from across the room, his one leg pulled up and his arm resting on it.

"This has got to be the hottest night I've ever survived... if I survive, that is. Maybe a little optimistic considering it's only 1 am," Sam breathes out with tired sighs along the way. "Glass half full," you close your eyes, leaning your head back into the hard wall behind you. "Actually, my glass is completely empty as of right now," Sam holds up his glass that contains no more liquid, as the thirst in his mouth lured him to drink the rest of the water that was once in it. You tilt your head forward again to flash him a little grin as you let out a breathless chuckle.

"You wanna go grab another glass?" You ask him as you look at your own, almost empty, glass. He lets out a breath before standing up, walking up to you with tired thuds, lending out a hand for you to get up from your carpet. "C'mere," he says as he pulls you up.

Walking out in the kitchen, you open the freezer to be welcomed with a brief breeze of coldness and comfort. "Ohh, move buttercup, I want some of that too," he swiftly wraps his arms around your waist, letting your back hit his warm chest as he lets his own back hit the open freezer. You can't deny that it made you heat up in flames - as if you weren't already burning enough from this freaking heat. Sam has always been a little flirty when it comes to you, but it seems to you that his sweet comments and touches here and there are getting more frequent.

"See this... this is very nice," Sam secretly enjoys what he's getting from both sides - a cold freezer in the back, and his long time crush pressed against his chest from the front. And to be honest, you don't mind it too much either.

Sam sighs from behind as you lean your head back on his chest, closing your eyes again. "You fit perfectly into my arms, do ya know that?" Sam whispers in your ear, giving you goosebumps unexpectedly. Cheesy. Very cheesy. He knows, but he doesn't care, because right now, he's got confidence rushing through his veins and he's not gonna let it go to waste. And since Sam is gonna sleep over at your house tonight, why not use this as a perfect opportunity to flirt with you, he thought.

   "And you, Sam, are really cheesy," you smile up at him as he looks down at you at an instant, tightening his grip on you, caressing his hands up and down your sides. "I'm romantic," he states. You wanted his statement to be one sided, but you couldn't help but think it was at least a little bit cute. But you won't admit that just yet. "You're a hopeless romantic," you claim. "I'm a hit with the girls, I'm tellin' ya," he quickly says, smiling to himself and you scoff, trying to sound disbelieved. You stand in silence for a while.

"Okay the ice is kinda startin' to kill my back," Sam chuckles before turning you around, still keeping his one arm around your waist and your back close to his chest, opening the drawer to pull out some ice cubes as he quickly throws one in the back of your shirt. You gasp in surprise, bending your back before he puts two more in. You pull away from him to face his smug grin. "Feel better now?" He laughs, obviously gaining more energy again since his playful self is showing again. "You are an asshole," you laugh back at him before he closes the freezer. "A good lookin' asshole"

That kept you cold... for about 15 minutes tops. Aaaaand then you were both back to damping again. You've given up on the ice cubes, seeing as they don't do much for very long. Clock strikes 3 am.

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