Queen of hearts

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REQUEST FROM @natedrake06 - thank you for the request! It was such a cute idea. Hope you like it!


   It's a hot day - a humid one to say the least - and to be quite honest; there was nothing you would rather want right now than a nice swim in the cold ocean water. Although summer is great, it is incredibly draining. It's too hot to be anywhere without having an urge to jump into the nearest puddle of water to cool yourself off for the love of god. 

"Right, that's it. I'm calling him," you said out of frustration, letting your temptations control you. The need for an ocean swim is too great - and besides, you haven't hung out in a while actually. Grabbing your phone, you quickly tap on the "call" icon and find his name to be at the top of the list: Samuel Morgan.

"You better pick up..." you sigh, listening intently to the phone ringing over and over again. Oh how you hate that sound.

But then to your delight; it connects.

"Hey Y/N," Sam answers the phone quite out of breath it seems. "Hey Sammy, what's up? You sound really out of breath," you let out a chuckle on the last word. "Yeah, sorry, I just got back from a run. What's up girly, something on your mind?" You hear him open a bottle through the phone. "Yeah actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach. We haven't seen each other in a while," you suggest over the phone before opening your closet, searching for a bikini. 

"Y/N we saw each other a week ago," he points out laughing. You can't help but smile. "Excuse me, that is a very long time for us," you bite back, and he agrees. You absentmindedly go through the swimwear, browsing your options, coming across a black stringy one - a very revealing one. "That's maybe a little slutty," you say quietly to yourself, forgetting that Sam is still on the line. 

"Huh?" Sam quirks, snapping you back to reality. "Sorry," you laugh. "I was just looking at my bikinis and came across one that isn't exactly appropriate to wear in public," you didn't have to wait long for an answer that you weren't even expecting. "Wear it," Sam replies. That took you aback, sure, but Sam being Sam, you weren't really surprised either. "Alright alright, Sam, but if an old man stares at me, I'm covering up," "We'll just go somewhere private," now that gave you butterflies for sure. Somewhere private. Perhaps he knows... nah, he probably just doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable. 

"Alright well I'll see you at the beach soon then," you tell him before hanging up. You pick up the black bikini. Here goes nothing...


   He told you to make a right on the pathway to the beach, where he had supposedly found a somewhat closed off spot that was still pretty close to the waves. The clock strikes 7:00 pm, and although it is still incredibly hot outside, it is becoming more bearable. The light sundress on top of the bikini was a perfect choice.

It didn't take you long to spot Sam, considering there barely were any people on the beach - apart from some joggers and a couple with their dog. Walking towards him, he quickly turns his head in your direction with a smile on his face. And abs that are absolutely magnificent--

"Hi there Y/N," he greets you with a tight embrace as you greet him back, rocking you back and forth as if he hadn't seen you in years. "This is a really nice spot y'know," you finish the hug, taking in the scenery he had picked out for tonights beach hangout. It is quite peaceful here. It's close to the waves but has some plants blocking the rest of the beach, so none of the joggers would pass through. Looking down, Sam has already laid out some stuff.

"I brought a disposable grill and some s'mores - figured you'd like that," he gestures to the grill in the sand, next to the s'mores, his backpack and a deck of cards. Your face lights up in a smile as you look at him. "I definitely like that, thank you," you giggle slightly as he smiles back at you with a look you can't quite recognise from him. Shrugging it off, you take off your purse and put it next to his backpack before grabbing the edge of your sundress, pulling it above your head and letting it land In the sand. Looking back at Sam, you catch him glance at your body with eyebrows raised before looking back into your eyes. "Race you?" you give him a mischievous look before sprinting off towards the waves. "Oh no, you don't!" Sam - being much faster than you - catches up quickly and grabs you right as you reach the water. His arms snake around you from behind and picks you up, letting both of you fall into the water almost head under, giving you the full experience. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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