- Prompts! -

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Hey guys! These are little snippets from young Sam Drake aka the gorgeous Samuel Morgan stories I could write. Let me know if there's any of these you want me to write! Thank youuuuu♥️


1. "You really gotta stop doing that, it's turning me on" ✅

2. "Are you flirting with me?" "Do you want me to?"

3. "Keep standing like that, it's a very good view" ✅

4. "Denim looks good on ya, though" "Your body would look better on me"

5. "Hey, cmon girl, that was my last cigarette!" ✅

6. "I ah... uhm just wanted to uh... holy shit Y/N"

7. "That was not a compliment" "I choose to take it so"

8. "Ah, fuck, I got it in my eye!" ✅

9. "Really? A penis? That's all you could think of?"

10. "Oh, this is starting to look a lot like a pillow fight, baby girl" ✅

11.    "I don't think you've ever been this drunk, and it's honestly the best thing I've seen all year"

12.    "Stop staring at me and do something" "You just look so cute when you're helpless"

13.    "Just 10 more minutes, please, I swear I'll help you make breakfast after that"

14. "Okay I'm sorry, but even if I was gonna kill you, do you actually think that a SHOE would keep me from doing that?" ✅

15. "You DID eat the last cookie!" "Shhhh! You're gonna get us killed"

16. "Why do you keep staring at me?" "I'm not staring at you, your sunglasses are mirrored, I'm looking at myself" ✅

17. "Oh well this is awkward"

18. "Ah what a shame! It's so hot in here that we have to take our clothes offfff" "Shut up, Morgan" ✅

19. "What do you want, Sam?" "I want you, for God's sake Y/N"

20. "Fuck, I've wanted to do that for a long time" ✅

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