Stay right there

694 19 8

Warning: Smut <3

Pouring yourself a glass of water, you put the jug back in the fridge and shut the door. The kitchen was quiet today, since you didn't really feel like putting on music like you usually do, and to be honest you didn't mind too much - and it was kinda late anyway, so you didn't want to disturb the entire apartment building.

So there you were, resting your lower back against the kitchen counter with the glass in your hand, tilting your head back and enjoying the quietness of the room until someone knocked on your door faintly. You frowned slightly, looking at the clock on the wall to see how late it was. It wasn't that late, but still late enough for it to be a weird visiting-time. Setting down the glass, you stepped towards the door in the hall and looked through the peeping hole.

Your shoulders dropped and a relaxed sigh left your lips seeing it was Sam standing on the other side, scratching the back of his neck in wait of you to open the door. Opening it, you tilted your head with a smile.

"Hi there sweetheart, can I come in?" He asked with his usual boyish grin, leaning his upper arm on the doorframe.

You laughed quietly. "Yeah, of course," you responded, letting him step in before closing the door after him. After hanging up his denim jacket, he turned to you and embraced you in a warm hug, which you gladly returned with a content sigh against his chest.

Sam usually came to your apartment whenever he had some free time. The two of you met a long time ago at the bookstore and ended up becoming friends - well, more than friends. Although you've never been official, the amount of times you've gone to each others places to 'test the mattresses', as Sam once quipped, it is clear the two of you have a connection. Some would say friends with benefits.

"Unusually quiet at your place today," Sam said while playing with the hair at the back of your neck, noticing you hadn't put on any music or tv in the background.

You looked up to meet his eyes and put your arms around his neck, bringing your chest closer to his. "It was nice with some peace and quiet today," you said with a smile. Sam hummed and kissed your cheek. "Want me to leave?" He asked, leaning his forehead against yours whilst rubbing your back tenderly.

He always had some sort of effect on you that you couldn't resist. He knew he could sweep you off your feet with a simple smile or the slightest eye contact, and to be completely honest, you didn't mind. "No, it was starting to get a little bit too silent anyway," you smiled, caressing the side of his face with a warm smile and glisten in your eyes.

"Do you want anything to drink?" You ask, leading him to the living room and sitting him down on the couch. "Sure, a beer would be great," he replied and you headed off to your kitchen. You weren't a big fan of beer yourself, but you always had some in the fridge for Sam. Fetching one out of the fridge along with a soda for yourself, you went back into the living room, gave Sam his beer which he grabbed with a 'thank you', and sat yourself down in the chair, opposite of Sam.

The night went on and you talked for a while - mainly casually about what happened today in both of your lives and of course the side stories that come along. Sooner or later, the time was past midnight.

"You know... this is my favourite place to spend my nights," Sam said with a smirk, setting down his beer after taking the last sip, looking at you as you sat with your legs up in the chair. You let out a chuckle. "It's because you get free beer," you raise your brows at him. He paused for a second and pointed at you. "I will pay you back for those," he promised, leaning back on the couch as you replied with an 'uh-huh' and a laugh.

"But it's not that," he continued, looking at his arm that was leaning on the back of the couch. You looked at him with a smile, knowing why he enjoyed being with you and of course vice versa. It wasn't that you were using each other - you simply just both had an insane sex drive and happened to have a connection. "What is it then?" You decided to quiz him, knowing very well what is going on in his mind. He looked back at you and stared into your eyes for a second before leaning his elbows on his knees. It took him a second before he opened his mouth.

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