How Sam is at night + day

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- Really sweet and caring
- Loves taking walks in the park
- Stares at you for hourssssss
- Holds your hand whenever he can
- Listens to music and reads
- Makes stupidly funny jokes all the time dude
- Smiles all the time
- Loves hugging you (especially from behind, because he knows you LOVE IT)
- Pretty busy because of his job tho
- Doesn't stop him from visiting you whenever he can
- You guys always have something to talk about, you never run out of topics


- Sexy as hell wtf
- Seductive AS FXCK
- Can't keep his eyes off you
- Who am I kidding, you guys probably have sex every 10 minutes lol
- D E E P C O N V E R S A T I O N S
- Loves running around like a maniac with you in the streets when the town's sleeping
- Probably steals shit for you
- Kisses you every minute because HE LOVES YOU AND ADORES YOU MAN
- Sometimes brings you to visit Nathan at the orphanage
- (Nathan loves you btw, you guys are like siblings)
- Has to be right by your side all the time, he gets a panic attack if you leave for like 5 minutes
- Cuddles up with you in bed and watches movies with you
- Very flirty. Like.... VERY
- Plays with your hair and scratches your back


Omg guys I've been gone for too long. I MIGHT BE BACK IDK. BUT HI. I've missed u guysssss

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