UH... HI?

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Oh my god guys....
So I've been gone. And I'm sorry. You guys have been incredibly supportive and I'm so happy people wanted to (and still do) read my one-shots.
I've needed some time off to deal with some real life stuff (sadly reality isn't as fun and romantic as Sam Morgan), but I've got some good news.

I will most likely come back! I actually have a one-shot in the making right now, and it will hopefully be published soon! I really miss writing and wattpad was like my safe space, so I will do my best to try and start writing on here again!

Again, I am so sorry for not writing for basically a year. Hopefully the content will be better than ever and I hope you guys will enjoy the upcoming stories.

(Side note: I will start publishing, but probably not as fast and frequently as I usually did. School is getting very hard and is taking up a lot of my time, so I have little time to write. But I'll try my best!)

Young Sam Drake One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now