Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Hmm, I don't want to go in there."

"Come on, we have to."

"Can't I have you for five more seconds?"

"Sorry, babe."




"Baeden." I scowled at him. "I want to go in there, to meet your family!"

I was standing outside the packhouse they call it, it was a rather large house that was up on the hill looking over the town.

"Okay, okay."

"I thought your penthouse was your house?"

"It is." Baeden nodded. "That's my "I want to get out of the packhouse" stay away."

I nodded. "Oh, right."

Baeden then entered, I was going to knock.... But it was actually Baeden's house. So, I followed him.

It was gorgeous. It was mainly white. Filled with werewolves who looked over at me with either jealous or envy in their eyes.

He gave a quick tour downstairs. The massive kitchen, the massive lounge which was very fancy, the dining area which was also big, and the bathroom.

This was a three story house. The rest of the rooms are upstairs.

He explained that some werewolves live here who can't afford their own homes which I thought was rather thoughtful.

But not every single werewolf lives here.

"Hello, Luna." A teasing voice brought me out of my thoughts, I turned around. It was Hayden.

"Don't call me that," I tell him. "That sounds weird." Baeden wraps his arm around me and naturally, I lean into his touch.

Hayden laughed at me. "Alright, Luna." I scowled at him.

"At least say Lizzy at the end."

"Okay, Luna."

I sighed. I give up.

"Where is Mum and Dad, Hayden?" Baeden then asked.

Hayden pressed his lips together. "They said something about doing their duties."

Baeden nodded. "That means I have more time with you."

"No!" A loud booming voice was heard, is sounded feminist. "Thomas, no! Don't you dare!"

In comes two kids. Well, one teenager and one kid. Thomas... that must be Baeden's sibling.

Thomas giggling and he held a makeup pallet. "No more makeup!" He stormed over to the opened fire.

The blonde girl's eyes widen. "Thomas." Baeden then suddenly stepped in, pulling away from me. "Give me the makeup."

Thomas's shoulders dropped and he sighed in disappointment. "But Ally doesn't need makeup! She looks prettier without it."

That made my heart melt, I smiled. Ally smiled but then frowned. "Thanks, Thomas." Baeden takes the makeup from Thomas and hands it over to Ally. "Thanks, Baeden!"

She quickly hugs it to her chest and sent a glare quickly to Thomas's way.

Thomas and I locked eyes. "Whose that?" The brown-haired boy points to me.

I quickly looked away from him. "Oh!" Ally then gasped. "You must be Lizzy! It's so nice to meet you, I'm Ally! Ah! I've been waiting for this moment for so long! We finally have a Luna, a pretty Luna, too-"

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