Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Honey, you're friends are here!" Mum calls from downstairs making me smile. I haven't seen Hayden since that incent, and honestly, I kind of miss him.

"Coming!" I call and exit my room and walked downstairs. Cleo, Emily, and Bella were down here and they all grinned at me.

Bella squealed excitedly. "Baeden is going to love-" Cleo punched Bella's arm and growled at her. "Ouch, Cleo!"

"You can't shut up, can you?" Emily chuckled and I frowned.


"You look gorgeous!" Cleo interrupted, grinning. "The boys are meeting us there, okay?" I nodded and smiled.

"You guys look amazing yourselves." I compliment and they all grinned. We then exit my house and entered Cleo's fancy car. It was BMW, don't know what series. I'm not good with cars.

They were chatting and I leaned back in the car seat. Soon, we were at the Diner and the girls continued chatting.

We exit the car and Cleo locked her BMW,  it looked empty. I frown, why is empty? "Usually, we don't know why, but Friday's are the empty times for Diner 66," Cleo informed me and I looked at her, surprised that she could hear my thoughts.

"Interesting." I nodded thoughtfully. "So that's why you guys hand here every Friday, right? Cause it's less busy?"

Bella grinned. "She's catching on!" I let out a small laugh and we entered Diner 66, the boys were already there, sitting at a circle booth.

My heart racing when I saw Baeden, I couldn't help but feel happy. He was chuckling and then his eyes landed on me, his eyes scanning my body making me blush as we moved towards them.

God, I hoped I looked okay.

I sat down next to Baeden, and we all squished in. "So, I have the game," James announced. "The Game of Life. Cards addition! Because cards are much cheaper and board games are just a hassle."

Bella scowled at James. "Bitch, don't you dare diss the board game."

James flipped her off and we all looked at the menu, going to order. I'll just order what I ordered on Monday, so, I put down the menu. I was also going to get fries and raspberry lemonade. Now that sounds heavenly.

I closed my mouth realising I'm actually drawling. I heard a chuckle beside me and I knew it was Baeden, my cheeks went pink. Baeden turned to me.

"What do you want, Liz?" Baeden asked my heart jumping at the new nickname. People only call me Elizabeth or Lizzy, never Liz.

I never really liked the name Liz, but Baeden saying made me want to hear him say it more. "Um, ham and cheese pizza, side fries, and raspberry lemonade."

"I'm having the same, but a Coke instead," Baeden tells me his order making me smile. The waitress then walked over. Cleo and Hayden quietly sighed.

"Hello, I'm Rachel and I'll be your waitress tonight!" Rachel smiled, showing her teeth. "Cleo, Hayden, hey!"

"Hey," Hayden and Cleo grumbled back. I have a feeling they don't like Rachel.

Rachel continued to smile anyways and then her eyes landed on me. "Are you new? Haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Baeden! You're back!" Rachel squealed and I froze. She cut me off. Cleo, Hayden, Bella, and Emily all scowl at Rachel for being rude.

I ignored it and Baeden gave her a fake smile. His smile didn't reach his eyes. Baeden glanced at me and smile, now his smile reached to his eyes making me smile. "Hello, Rachel," Baeden says calmly, glancing back over at Rachel.

"What happened over break? You completely ignored my calls." Rachel whined.

"I was busy," Baeden replied casually, making Hayden chuckle.

Rachel gave Hayden a glare. "Anyways, shall we order?" We all nodded and she wrote down our orders before skipping off, Hayden and Cleo groaned.

"She's so annoying. We're really sorry about that, she can be rude. And annoying. But don't even get me started on her wannabe friend, Melissa." Cleo sighed.

"Just ignore them, that's what we do." Emily smiled at me. I let out a chuckle. "Let's get this game started!"

"Are we doing teams again?" Bella asked eagerly, smiling. We all nodded. "Someone has to be a loner though."

"I volunteer as tribute!" I giggled, recognising the reference from Jame's voice. "All of you suck!"

"Well, I dibs Lizzy," Baeden says, pulling me closer to him making my heart pound. Oh dear lord. This boy has already won my heart and we've known each other for a total of five days.

How life is crazy.

I really hope he feels the same way, otherwise, things will become awkward in this relationship. I pressed my lips together as Baeden wraps his arm around my arm and bringing me even close to him.

I want to sit on his lap.

They all smiled. "Okay, I get Hayden," Cleo smiled. "Only because Hayden is a master at this game."

"No fair!" Bella whined. "I'm stuck with Emily, like always."

"I love you too," Emily says sarcastically, I think it's a love-hate relationship between them.

Bella smiled at her a laughed. "I'm shuffling! I'm the best shuffler in the world!"

Emily scrunched up her nose. "No, you're not."

Bella lets out an angry sigh. "Em, just play along for once in your god damn life!"

Emily smiled sheepishly at her and chuckled. Baeden placed a hand on my thigh making me inhale sharply and his eyes wandered over to me, smirking. He knows.

"Guys, we don't shuffle in this game anyways, remember?" Baeden reminded, and Bella sighed.

"I forgot," she smacked her forehead. "Ouch."

Emily chuckled. "So just put them colours then," Emily tells Bella who did so anyway. They put them into piles and we continued to play, Baeden and I got one pink, two blues, one yellow, and one green.

We played until our food was ready, there were some laughs and I looked at our life. We have so many kids, it was our new goal to collect all the kids.

Rachel came back with our food and we had just finished our game, tidying it up Rache set down every order but mine.

She smiled at the group. "Is that all?"

"You forgot Lizzy's order," Baeden glared at Rachel, who didn't seem to be affected by the cold glare.

"Oh my God!" Rachel gasped and my stomach growled hungrily. I'm not waiting for another half an hour for my food. "I totally forgot, I'm so sorry, Fizzy,"

"Lizzy," Baeden cuts in, correcting her. "Don't worry about it, just get Lizzy a raspberry drink and she can she with me."

Rachel's face dropped. "O-okay, um, coming right up!"

"Are you sure?" I ask quietly, I felt mean stealing his food.

He smiled genuinely. "I don't want to starve you, so, shush and have some fries and pizza."

I chuckled slightly, feeling warm under his touch. I reached for some pizza, stealing a slice and Baeden had give me his plate and we munched away together, and to be honest, I forgot about the others.


Rachel's a bitch.

But Baeden's so fucking cute!

How to say Baeden; "Bay" "Den".

How to say Hayden; "Hay" "Den"


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