Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I opened my eyes. It was dark. I knew where I was because I had crashed here last night; I was in my room. But something had woken me up, a noise.

My eyes had to adjust for a split second and it was silent. Mum had gone back with Mike to his place, Baeden and Kayden had also left, leaving me alone.

My heart begins to race and the realisation hits me; I wasn't alone.

Shivers go up my spine, I could feel myself not being alone in my bedroom. I pulled the sheets closer to me and nervously looked around, my heart dropping.

There was another noise and I gasp. I closed my eyes, scared. I can't call Baeden, that'd create too much noise.

I heard a low growl and I gulped. A werewolf was in my room. I looked in the corner of my room, there were blue eyes shining at me, my eyes widening.

I know what those colours mean; it basically means murder.

Oh, God. It was in here with me! I let out a small whimper, it definitely knew I was awake. I tried to stay calm, I didn't dare to turn the light on.

That's when another wolf had come in, growling. It wasn't Baeden. They had a fight, making me flinch every time they snarled at each other. It didn't end well. The wolf that tried to save me, ended up getting knocked out and changed back into his human form.

It was James.

I gasp, having the urge to help him but the grey wolf was hovering over James. The grey wolf then slowly transformed into a human, I didn't recognize him. But he was an older man, making me whimper so more.

I looked at James instead, I could see him breathing. Thank God. He's just knocked out. "Recognise me, Lizzy?" But that voice sounded familiar. He sounded crazy.

"N-no," I mumble, it was also dark. I turned on my light stupidly and gasped slightly. Mr. Walker. "Mr. Walker?" I stammer. "W-what are you doing here?"

Mr. Walker clenched his jaw. "I'm here to kill you, Lizzy,"

"What did I ever do?" I whimper, feeling terrified. Why did he want to kill me? Why me? Tears formed in my eyes, he walked closer to me, he looked like a psycho.

"Your Dad killed my daughter." He growled out. "So now I'm going to kill his."

"My Dad was killed too!" I squeak. I let out a sob, pressing my back into the back bored, wishing this wall could eat me.

"Yeah, but he didn't get to feel the pain my wife and I felt when our daughter died." Mr. Walker stepped closer to me, he was beside my bed. "Now, I'll make sure you're dead."

"You're crazy!" I cried out, eyes widening. "My Dad didn't mean to crash into your daughter's car!"

Mr. Walker just chuckled, and before I could even blink, he leant over and smashed a punch into my head; I cried out again, my head was throbbing. I tried to keep my eyes open, but the last thing I saw was Mr. Walker leaning over me, smirking.

I heard giggle when I woke up, it wasn't a happy giggle; it was a crazy giggle. I flutter my eyes open, it was once again dark. I went to move, but my hands were tied together.

That's when a light flickered on, a bright beam. It was on me and I winced.

"Goodie! You're up!" Mr. Walker grins, looking at me from the corner of the room. "Welcome to- ah, my den. Where no one can find you, my friend."

"Baeden will find me," I determine, then winced and I felt blood on my head. Right, I was knocked out with a single punch. "Haven't you heard? He's an Alpha."

"I've heard," Mr. Walker tells me. "But this is a place where no one ever goes,"

"You're crazy, you need help!" I exclaim, my eyes widening. I was tied to a chair. "Can you please just... let me go and I can get you help, please."

He pauses, like he was going to thinking about it but then laughs. "I'm the crazy one? No, you are." Mr. Walker spat.


"Just shut up!" Mr. Walker snapped, glaring at me. "Shut up before I kill you!" He got a knife out, pulling out from behind his back and I let out a small whimper. I shut up. I gulp, tears threating to fall. Mr. Walker smirked. "Good girl, we're gonna have a lot of fun."


Hours of waiting. He hasn't been here for hours, too. I sat here, bored. I need some entertainment.  I've been singing to myself, but then got sick of my own voice.

I'm getting sick of myself. I've tried everything to wiggle out and get free, but now he comes back in to shout some hateful things some more. For an hour, he had told me what he hated about his life, then about my life, then my friends and boyfriend.

I stare at him blankly as he walked in. "Your little crew is outside." He smirked. "So, let's put a show on them. I'm sure they're listening in." He walked in closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I murmur, feeling tired suddenly.

"First, I'm going to punch you in the gut." Mr. Waller explain and he did so; I leant forward, cringing and in pain. I let out a moan. "Then I'm going to slap you." He slapped me, pain shooting through my right cheek and I let out a sob. "That's right, keep crying. It'll make them angrier."

"Please stop," I mutter, feeling the tears fall down my face. "If you're going to kill me, just kill me already! What are you waiting for!?" I exhale at my outburst, letting out another sob.

That's when the door bursts down, the metal door. Bursts. Down. Baeden enters, growling, looking more angrier than ever. "This," Mr. Walker tells me. A few of Baedens' members come in with him, snarling.

I noticed Bella and Emily frantically moving past the commotion without any notice and sprinted over to me. "Lizzy, oh, my God!" Bella whispered frantically, her eyes widening as Emily walked behind me and untied my hands. God, they were sore.

"Everything's sore," I whine tiredly, not bothered to watch the fight that was happening in front of me.

"We tried to get to you as fast as possible," Emily informed me and Bella helped me stand up, my legs give in slightly and I tumbled back, Emily got to me before I fall.

"We should get her to the hospital." Bella pointed out. "She looks really, well... not good."

"No shit, Sherlock," I mumbled, leaning on Emily. I felt tired again. God, standing up is so damn tiring. "I- I need to lie down. Or sleep... yeah, I need to sleep..."

"Lizzy, we're going to get you to the hospital, okay?" Emily informed me. I nodded sleepily, why am I so tired?

I guess from sitting on a chair for what felt like for days, not eating, drinking, or sleeping... oh.  Let's not forget about being tortured.

"Y-yeah, you do that," I mumble, giving into what I want and I closed my eyes.

"Wait, Lizzy-" and that was that, I fell into a deep, deep sleep.


Sorry for that chapter... it was bad, I know. No need to point it out lol. Didn't have any ideas for how Baeden was going to find her, so I just kept her point of view.

Hoped you enjoy this bad chapter!

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