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I have loved and lost, been held and cast

taken and given, sought and looked past

I have wished for the world, and witnessed despair

I have fallen to pits, and met devil's that wear

smiles and kindness, with hate in their eyes

who have spoken of love while they peddled their lies

of welcome and longing to work their way in,

to make me reliant and worship their sin.

I know Jealousy now and Envy in spades,

Greed of the heart, while Sloth fills my days

Wrath in my tone, and Pride set asunder 

Gluttonous punishment, personal blunder,

I ache in the chest as the feelings amass,

rethinking decisions I made in the past,

what could I change to keep from the pain,

turning back clocks yet still I remain,

stuck in a hole with a blade in my chest,

my demons are dancing a beat on my breast,

nights turn to days as I toss in my sleep,

alone and dejected I scream and I weep

desperate for love and two arms to call home

my only wish now not to feel so alone. 

I know of these feelings, the torture it brings

when unrequited love, is the song your heart sings

I beg you a moment to hear out my words

to think of the moment you felt your heart spurred

where you learned of the joy that others can offer

complete you in ways you've always longed after

not everyone fits that place in your heart

but often they lead to the parts where you start

remember the pieces that brought you such pleasure

weather the storm, embrace the endeavor

look to the future, remember the past

live for the present, improve and hold fast

emotions and pain, all these shall soon pass

but the love you will earn, forever shall last.

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