Mystery Flavor

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He hopped and he trotted, with the time he allotted

To get to the store, for candies galore

A new flavor unearthed, from the depths of a mind

So warped and so rattled, it left a man addled

It was a question and quandary,

a new type of mystery, 

whatever on earth could this new flavor be?

It was talked of and shared, but no one had cared

to name the creation, only how those had faired

Some had gone puckered, some had gone white

Others had laughed and danced in delight,

Few spoke of threats, to the designer and said

"The creators a mad man, he's no good in the head!"

What could it be this new flavor of goods?

of fruits or of tastes long lost to the woods?

Is it a mixture found in a brew, 

or perhaps it's more like potatoes in stew!

Skipping and dancing and trotting ahead,

The man went up to the counter and said,

"One of the candies that's causing a ruckus,

Since none around has the mind to tell us,

Just what exactly this new flavor could be!"

The cashier only smiled and said full of glee,

"With only one lick you shall easily see,

it's something experienced personally!"

And so with a lick the man grasped he was right,

Though the flavor did not insight his delight,

For now at long last he had come to see,

That the flavor of candy was definitely pee.

A Poem For Your ThoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ