The Shrine Prayer

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In a garden by a lake, they say a magic fills the air

One of ancient wonder, with the longing of a prayer

When the sun and moon collide, in the sky as if entwined

They speak of brilliant light, and a shrine that you can find

Untouched by the ages, in resplendent hue of gold

 An altar of an angel, and a woman never old

A guardian of care, who offers up the prayer

"Oh bring forth dearest lord, one beyond compare

A vessel ever worthy, of my sincerest care

One of mighty strength, who can shatter stone and snare

One of godly light, with kindness in his heart

One who can finish deeds, others could never start

Make him in forge, with molten steel within in his core

Then let his sturdy steps, shake the very floor

Give him a gentle smile, that's reflected in his eyes

Let him indulge in whimsy, yet still be ever wise

Arms that could lift a mountain, and tender hands to hold

Make him out of greatness, then have him break the mold!"

Then she stopped a moment, as if lost in thought

Only to smile sweetly, finding what she sought

"And only one more thing, if it wouldn't be too much

Can you make his manhood huge, with big old honking nuts?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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