•Chapter 11•

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We walked down the stairs with Alex, Casper and Jonah following behind us. I could smell the food and my mouth was watering slightly.

"Finally!" Casper huffed immediately filling his plate

"It takes more then 5 minutes to make dinner. This isn't one of your tv meals." my mom laughed joking

I watched as she piled a bunch of the casserole onto two plates and slid them to Jaxon and Alex.

My brother was sitting across from me with Alex right beside him. Jaxon was sat next to me and my mom and Jonah were sitting at the end chairs of the table. We rarely eat dinner at the table anymore and I was kind of happy we were.

"Again Julia, this is delicious" Jaxon said after swallowing his food

Oh so he does have manners.

"I agree. This is literally one of the best meals I've ever had!" Alex exclaimed with his mouth full

Usually mom would think that's disrespectful but as of now she was just giggling and thanking them. Who knew Jaxon had more table manners then him.

"Okay I think this is my favorite meal now. It's above spaghetti." I say grabbing my drink and taking a gulp

"Oh please" mom huffed "once I make spaghetti again you'll change your mind, you're so indecisive!"

We all just laughed and finished our dinner with a little bit of small talk.

"So Alex do you got a job?" mom asked stacking the empty plates into her hands

"As of right now, no. I'm in college studying for psychology"

"Oh what a nice major!" mom replied "Jonah and Casper here are going for a degree in criminal justice."

"Let me help you with that!" Jaxon said standing up to take the dishes from her hands

"You're such a sweetheart!" she exclaimed

I grabbed everyones cups stacking them into the two empty pans and followed my mom and Jaxon and into the kitchen

"What about you sweetie, do you got a job?" mom asked as she wiped the counters down

"Actually no, I've been looking for one though." he answered as I walked up and pushed him away from the dishes

He was company. There was no reason for him to be doing the dishes so I started to wash them.

"Hey!" he whispered

"Just dry them and shut up" I said handing him a plate

"Maybe you can work at 'The Hideout' with Serenity." my mom suggested

"Oh that sounds like a GREAT idea!" he exclaimed smirking at me

"I don't think they are hiring" I blurted out washing the last dish

"Well you can always apply and see what happens" mom said

"I might just have too" he laughed

After about 30 more minutes of small talk it was a little past 10

"Don't you kids have a curfew? Get home." my mom laughed standing up from the table

"Yes ma'am thanks again for having us over." Alex said hugging her

"Please, call me Julia."

"Thank you." Jaxon said following his brother out the door

I said goodnight to everyone and made my way to my room. Tomorrow was finally Friday and I was just ready to get the school week over with. I cuddled into my bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.

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