•Chapter 2•

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Prior to the first day, I had checked the online portal for my schedule. In my school we have a block schedule which is basically four classes and each one consists of 90 torturous minutes. I had barely any classes with Gabe or Samara because I was slightly more advanced in math and english. Although I did have history class with Samara. Me and Gabe have lunch together and I guess that's okay.

Right after I finished putting my lock on, I stacked all the books that I didn't need this period inside. Keeping just what I need for english in my bookbag. Slowly, I made my way to my first class.

"Welcome class!" Mrs.Miller exclaimed smiling widely at all her sleep deprived students. "I hope you guys are just as excited as me to start this school year in my class. As per usual, there will be daily journals where you answer the question on the chalkboard. It will either relate to a book we are reading, a subject we are discussing, or holidays coming up." She said writing today's objectives on the board. Mrs.Miller is a new teacher, it's her second year here at East High and she doesn't look a day over 21. She's been the talk of the school ever since Mr.Wiles retired last year and she was his replacement. The journal quest of the day read "What did you guys do over your summer break? Explain in two-three paragraphs the highlights of your summer vacation."

Now this was going to be a stumper. By no means is my life boring, but I really just stuck with the same old friends and my books. I didn't go out partying every other day. The only 'fun' thing I did was read. I have a problem. Besides that, I worked 40 hours a week at our towns library and in the spare time hung out with Gabe or Samara.

Right as I was about to start writing about my exciting summer, the classroom door opens and I look up from my journal.

"Care to explain why you're late on your first day back Mr.Lowry?" Mrs.Miller pressed drawing her attention away from the board and onto him.

"Ehh not really. I'd prefer to sit down. My feet hurt." He replied sarcastically

Rolling her eyes she preceded to look at the seating chart "Take a seat right next to Serenity" she said drawing her attention right back to the board

"Who?" he asked dumbfounded looking around the room. Logan who sat in front of me pointed to the seat right beside me and he made his way over throwing his bag down harshly in the middle of our aisle. Rolling my eyes I went back to my journal.

I looked over at the kid who just came in and examined his features. He had his headphones in and his dark curly hair fell over his forehead slightly as he slouched over his desk. He looked over at me and gave me a questioning look. I quickly turned my head back to my journal my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He really just caught me staring at him.

"Okay class that's it for today. Make sure to bring back your signed papers and your journal for class tomorrow. Have a great first day!"she smiled opening the door just as the bell rang. I quickly shoved my books into my bag and headed to my locker. I had my next class with Samara and I was more then excited to see some familiar friendly faces.

"History class is so boring" Samara whined as we walked to the 300's for our next class.

"Stop being so dramatic" I laughed shoving her slightly before we walked into class. We were a little early so we just sat in the back two seats.

As the class filed in I noticed the same kid from my first period English class. He was still wearing his headphones and also made his way to the back of the class. He sat at the opposite side of me closer to the window and looked over at me scowling. He just caught me watching him. AGAIN.

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