•Chapter 7•

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Sunday's shift at the library was quick and breezy due to it being closed early at 5pm. I hadn't started until 1 so it was only a four hour shift. I wasn't complaining though.

I'd already saved up a lot of money for that car I've been needing and I'm so close to having enough to get it. Just a couple more weeks of saving until I'm finally at my goal

The rest of the day went by smoothly and I ended up going to bed at a decent time again. Thank the lord!

I woke up Monday morning dreading the school day that awaits me. Even though I had went to bed early last night, I was still groggy as ever.

I jumped in the shower quickly and got dressed into a white cropped sweater and high waisted light washed jeans.

I know what you're thinking. I promise I have other colors besides white in my closet. I just happen to always feel like dressing as simple as possible.

Today was a little chillier then it had been this past week and I really wasn't feeling like walking to school. 'I'm getting my car soon' I repeated to myself over and over in my head.

"I'm thinking about quitting my job at the library" I stated as I walked with Samara to our 2nd period

"Why?" she questioned giving me a puzzling look

"I don't know. I think it's time for a change. I kind of want to apply for a position at that coffee shop I go to constantly. I really like it there. The people there are so sweet to me and the aesthetic of the place is very pleasing" I stated as we both sat down getting our books ready

"You know what that means!" She said smirking dumbly "FREE COFFEE!!"

I chuckled lightly as the class filed in one by one

"Okay class. We are now embarking on the second week of class and I think it's time to start the first assignment of the year" the teacher said handing out sheets to us

The class sighed in disappointment as I examined the sheet.

"We are gonna start simple. You guys can pick to write about any of the assignments listed below. You and your partner can decide what the topic of your essay will be"

Kids around the room gave their decided partners a knowing look and Samara and I were already looking over the choices

"Sorry to disappoint, but I have already chose who you will be partnered with. The point of this project is mainly working as an icebreaker for this class. I want you guys to venture out and possibly make new friends!" she smiled and walked up to her desk grabbing her list

Once again everyone sighed in disappointment and I joined in this time. I'm not a very social person if that hasn't become clear yet. I always hated the cliche "name 3 things about yourself" ritual to start off the school year. For what it's worth, I'm not really a big fan of icebreakers. In my opinion, extroverts break the ice before even walking through the door. I on the other hand prefer to sit back and watch it melt slowly. I felt like she was using this project as an icebreaker and I wasn't really stoked about that.

She read the list off and just my luck. I'm paired with Jaxon again. First my english class and now here?

"You have the remainder of class to decide what you're going to write about, good luck" she smiled going up to her desk to sit down

I sat at my desk not even wanting to get up. Were me and Jaxon friends now? Could he tolerate me enough to get through this project if not? Could I?

"We don't have all day" Jaxon hollered across the room motioning for me to take a seat beside him

I made my way over and sat down reviewing the choices.

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