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Sometimes I wonder if the work I put in would do anything,

I'm looking for work that does everything,

At once, I am rushing,

Is it worth really doing?

I wish I had many hands,

Many brains too,

That would be my plan,

But since I can't,

I guess I have to ask,

Someone that's not me

To do the tasks. 

But at what cost? 

I get more trouble.

I don't know what to do

Cause it breaks my bubble.

I want to do everything.

I wish I had more time.

And that's just the case,

If I had more time,

I also have more time 

For myself.

But I don't.

So I need help.

What to do?

I wish for more.

More, more, more.

Why is it always more?

There's much to be done

In a single lifetime.

And I don't want to spend it

Always working for dimes.

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