Part 27

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Third Person POV

Santino was still shocked from what he just witnessed, how Emma was so vicious to one of her own people.

He already had a hunch when he start planning Papa's murder that his deeds will only lead to dangerous consequences if he fails, but when he saw what just took place his doubts got confirmed.

What Emma has in store for him will sure exceed his expectations he thought, and when the roars of two majestic tigers followed her previous order Santino knew that pain will have a new definition.


When Emma ordered for the tigers to be released, two of the guards that were inside the room went to the iron door in the other side of the room and opened it revealing the two majestic tigers.

"They're always hungry even though they just had a juicy meal few hours ago." She said referring the to Sam a.k.a the fake doctor while petting one of the frighteningly huge animals. Emma was a huge fan of taming wild animals, it was one of her multiple hobbies, she used to find relief in doing stuff like that. Racing and taming wild animals were on top of her favourite hobbies' list.

She liked how the adrenaline would pump into her veins whenever she is so close to death then suddenly she magically survives, or when a wild animal snarl at her before bolting towards her at full speed but ends up on the ground. She was known of her odd yet super exciting hobbies, all those who got the honour to experience them with her ended up obsessed with these kinds of sports just like her, but that of course was up until Adam came into the picture and her disease started to limit her movements.

She still miss how the car speeds up in a speed only allowed on the track or when she takes an abrupt turn with that speed, how her heart beats become uncontrollably fast or how her breath get caught in her throat when more than one animal attack her at once.


Everybody in the room staggered a bit when the two huge animals were released of their cage except for Müller since he was used to them as they're used to him.

"W- what are y- you g- going to do with t- these?" Santino already had an answere to his question but a small glimmer of hope that Emma was just trying to scare him lingered in his heart. Even though he of all people knew exactly that she isn't one to bring something out of context especially not in a torture session of someone who assaulted her Papa.

"But you do know why I brought them out, in fact everyone here knows, right?" She asked her men who in return all answered with a 'yes, ma'am' at once.

"Release him, and get out all of you." She ordered them.

The guards released a very frightened Santino from his restraints before going out of the room because they know the tigers may not attack Emma and Müller but they sure as hell will attack everyone else.

"Not you, Giuseppe." Emma said when the little boy tried to sneak out between the crowd.

"But they said they're only familiar with you and Müller, I will be eaten in the first 20 seconds!" He tried to argue while eying the two tigers frantically that were looking at him in return. "Look they're even eying me as if they can't wait to have a bite!" He whined.

"That's a part of today's lesson." Was the only reply the little boy got.

When all the guards were out she started releasing the tigers from the chains that were around their necks.

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