“Holy shit.” She laughed. “I keep forgetting you guys were married before I met you. I’m just not used to everything I guess. I especially wasn’t used to all of the cameras when I tried to walk into our building.”

            “Yeah sorry about that but unless you want to move out you might as well get used to them.”

            Leaning over to pick up the remote, I went to turn on the TV but her hand stopped me and she grabbed the remote from my fingertips.

            “You might not want to do that. I swear to god the two of you are on every single news station right now. Apparently who Justin Bieber screws for the night is more important than the war that’s killing hundreds of people every day but that’s none of my business though.”

            “Certainly didn’t miss that.” I muttered, putting my head back on the couch. “God, what did I just do?”

            The sound of my phone ringing from my pocket sounded throughout the room and just made my head pound twice as much. I could hear screams from the paparazzi outside all the way in here too, which certainly didn’t help.


“Sophia.” Justin’s voice rang through the speaker, making my stomach erupt into butterflies like it usually did when he used to call. “You didn’t call me and I know it’s only been an hour but I’m uh- just making sure you got home okay.”

“I got home fine…” I giggled a little when Katherine looked at me and silently mouthed aww, her fingers drawing a heart into the air. “What’s up?”

“I’m taking you somewhere tonight.” He stated. “Be ready at seven.”

“Hm… is this a date?” I teased. “Cause I believe we’re supposed to be friends.”

“I never said it was Sophia. Just two friends going out to have a fun night. Be ready at seven.”

Before I could say anything more he hung up the phone and I shook my head in disbelief. I was telling the truth when I told him I wanted to be friends for now because I really do think that’s the best way to handle this. He has so much control over me that it’s scary so if he were to try something tonight I’m almost positive I wouldn’t stop him. Hopefully he’ll respect what I want and he won’t do anything to make me give in like last night. Everything was just so confusing between us I guess I just didn’t know where to start.

“Friends, huh?” Katherine smirked at me and nudged me with her elbow to let me know she was just kidding.

“Stopppp.” I teased back, nudging her with my elbow as well. “He said he would pick me up at seven. I probably shouldn’t have said anything about a date but it’s just a habit I guess. Flirting with him just comes natural.”

“Wait, he’s coming here? Justin Bieber’s coming to our apartment?”

I’ve never seen Katherine bolt up from the couch so fast in my entire life as she scurried around to try and pick up things that were lying on the coffee table like a plastic cup and a bowl of her cereal she had earlier this morning. I guess to me he’s just Justin and I didn’t really see him as a huge celebrity but to Katherine, who’s never met him before, it’s a pretty big deal apparently.

“He’s not going to judge our apartment.” I laughed. “He’s not like that.”

            “Well all of the reporters say that he-“

        “The reporters lie. They don’t know the real him. He’s a nice and genuine guy Katherine I promise. Stop cleaning up.”

When the plastic cup dropped into the trash, she let out a sigh of frustration and walked back over to the couch with me. I think it was around three right now so I had a couple of hours to get ready. The confusing part is what to wear. Do I wear something casual or do I wear something dressy? If I wear something dressy it’s going to make it seem like we’re on a date so I’m just going to go with something casual I think. Something that says, we’re just friends.

One Hundred Shades of Forever.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora