"Nice to meet you too Kodi." I let a smile find its way on my lips. She sneered and then pulled her finger away from me.

"I was only trying to see." She muttered to herself, frowning.

Chikodi was the youngest in our family and the only girl my father had birthed. She was the apple of his eyes too, his treasure. This, everyone knew. She was spoiled and clingy to everyone, especially me. I remembered how she always managed to pay me visits every now and then, every holidays, even Christmas. It was a wonder how she always got father's approval and permission even though I always made it clear that she didn't have to. I was barely around all through her life but she still referred to me as her favorite brother and I had no idea why.

"I can't believe big brother would do this to you." She snapped, pouting at me. "I've got to meet him. I have to ask him why he'd hit you and hurt you like this."

She got up to leave when I grabbed her hand quickly, and then pulled her back to the bed. She turned to face me in a hurry and then clicked her tongue.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"What does it look like?" She asked me. "Did you do anything wrong? You only went to see someone for a few minutes. I go out to see people all the time. Why did he hit you?!" Now she was raising her voice at me like I was the one that made her mad. "Why does he keep doing this to you, and treating you like a dog."

"And so what?" I asked her. "Do you think he's going to stop if you confront him about it?" I continued.


"Let it go okay?" I told her. "I was at fault. I should have obeyed him. I should have come home first."

"How are you at fault? How is any of this your fault?" She snapped at me pouting. I exhaled and looked away. I wasn't exactly filled with words.

"Kodi, your brother is right." Natalie added. "Confronting your brother while he's still upset is only going to add salt to the injury. It won't do you or Jeremiah any good."

Kodi scoffed. She slowly whiled around to Natalie.

"I wasn't talking to you." She told her. "I didn't ask for you opinion either."

Natalie rolled her eyes .

"What are you even doing here?" Kodi added. "This isn't your part of the house is it? This isn't your husband's room. Aren't you a married woman? How is it right for a married woman to be in and out of other people's rooms ? Especially if it's their husband's brother? Shouldn't you be in your room, taking care of your husband and talking to him? Advising him not to hit other people as he likes? Talk to your husband, while I talk to my brother. That's if he's ever going to listen to you anyway." She turned back to me.

"Okay." Natalie raised her hands in the air. "Whatever you say." She got up from the bed, the smile on her face didn't falter for once. Of course she was used to Kodi running her mouth all the time. She was the older and mature one after all. "I'd just ask the maids to get this box once you're both done." She told me and then turned to leave.

Kodi humphed and then rolled her eyes.

"God I'm so tired of her."

"You mean jealous." I asked pulling off my jacket. She scoffed.

"Jealous? Me? " she pouted "What's there to be jealous of?"

"I don't know." I told her. "I mean, she's married to our older brother, which kicks you off your spot as the princess of the house. Plus I heard Dad likes her a lot too."

Kodi scoffed.

"Likes her? Who on earth is passing those silly rumors? What's there to like about her?"

"I don't think she's that bad." I added. "I think she's really cool and pretty. You don't have to be mean to her you know."

Kodi got up immediately. I could feel her eyes glaring at me.

"Hey, Jer, take that back!"

I raised my head to hers. I was clueless.

"You called her cool and pretty, and you're insinuating that I'm not. Take that back right now."

Did I say Kodi was spoiled? Like really spoiled.

"Take what back Kodi?"

She scoffed.

"How can you take her side? I'm your sister, not her."


She pouted. I could tell she was so angry.

"I'm the only one on your side in this house and you can't even take my side." She yelled at me. I exhaled, rubbing my forehead to curb the headache I was beginning to feel.

"I can't believe you'd take her side. I'm so mad at you right now." She cleaned her face with the back of her hands. "I won't talk to you again."

She turned to leave. Why on earth was she being so dramatic?

Kodi stormed away from the room. She always looked so cute anytime she threw a tantrum. It was one of the things I liked about her. I scoffed as a tiny smile spread across my face.


She was really going to break my door down now.
I chuckled.

The Elitesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें