“Sky, wait!” He was down beside me instantly.

            “Just forget it.” I opened the door and slammed it behind me, it didn’t surprise me that he chased me instantly, he was lucky it was a secluded area because people would be shocked to see him naked first thing in the morning.


            “Just leave me alone.”

            “No! You know no matter how fast you walk I could easily drag you back into that house!” He threatened. I stopped and turned to him absolutely fuming.

            “DON’T YOU DARE THREATEN ME.” I yelled in his face whilst pointing my finger at him. “Fine you do that and I’ll hate you. Forcing me to do something against my will. Just because you’re a vampire you could at least have some decency not to use that against me. You know don’t forget that I can do this.” I grabbed hold of his heart in my mind and began squeezing, not as hard as I had done to Nathan the other day but enough to make him grip his chest and his face contort into pain. I let go not wanting to cause him pain anymore. “Now you don’t see me using that to my advantage. I grabbed his hand yanking off his ring before he could see it coming. The sun began burning his skin and he rushed back inside, gone in a second. “Good. That will stop you following me.” I grumbled under my breath and turned on me heel and began stomping back the way I was going in the first place, down on to the beach. I shoved his ring into my bra so I didn’t lose it. I felt rejected and belittled, then to top it all off he threatened me! I was so angry that I just walked and walked and walked. I couldn’t see myself stopping any time soon either.

            My anger finally subsided as my lungs began burning, I’d walked forever. I was now in the town, the sun was setting, I knew as soon as the sun was gone he’d be out of the house looking for me. I let my wall up so I could feel his emotions, he was angry too, frustrated, worried, annoyed, I put the wall back up again unable to handle his strong emotions. I sighed and sat down on a bench looking out over the sea. I sat and just stared into space for a few minutes then got back up again, I knew my way along the road this way and it was probably shorter so I began walking along the pavement back to the house, calm enough now to see him.

            I pushed the door open and stepped in, kicking off my boots and placing them back in my line of shoes. I’d purposely left the door open so I could get a few seconds to myself. I could feel him pacing in the other room just out of the line of light. I shut the door and I was pushed back against it as soon as it clicked shut.

            “Why?” He growled, he was considerably paler than this morning. I stared at him, I wasn’t scared I just didn’t want to speak. I’d managed to calm myself down I was trying to remain calm. Then, events took a change of direction as his lips came crashing down angrily on mine. Now this I could do, I kissed him roughly back, the anger returning to me as the kiss intensified. I put my arms on his shoulders and jumper up wrapping my legs around his hips. He moved from my lips across my face then to my neck suddenly I felt a sharp pain then the sensation of him removing blood from my neck. I threw my head back in ecstasy my mouth opening a small moan escaping. Now why couldn’t he have done this this morning and we could have just avoided all of this arguing. I shut my eyes and lost myself in the moment finally letting his emotions rush over me through our connection. Anger, frustration, annoyance, love, intoxication, bliss. Then suddenly confusion overcame all of them, he pulled away from me tearing my neck slightly and I couldn’t but wince in pain at the sudden movement. His face still vampire, my blood dripping from his mouth, which was kind of odd but I was curious to the confusion. “You have to exchange blood to be merged…”


            “But we haven’t.” As he said this I thought back… wait no. I’ve never taken from him, him only from me.

            “Then what…” I trailed off unsure of what to say. He put me down quickly and was gone, if we hadn’t have been merged I wouldn’t have been able to feel him just in the other room, I would have assumed he’d just disappeared.

            “Nathan we haven’t exchanged blood.” He had his phone to his ear as I strolled into this living room, his face now back to normal and my blood cleaned off his mouth. I reached out to his mind so I’d be able to hear the conversation. ‘What do you mean brother? I’m busy.’ Nathan replied sounding pissed off. “I mean that I’ve taken from her but her not from me!” David replied apparently oblivious to his brothers mood. ‘That’s new. Maybe it’s because of who she is. I told you I’m busy.’ Nathan answered back then hung up, I left David’s mind even more confusion.

            “Who am I David?”

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