After the test, we were allowed to play. Normally, I would sit next to Ray and read a book with him. I did that everyday, and I was doing it today.

"Ray," I started, he turned to me, "What if we ran away right now?" I asked him. He looked at me with a quizzical look, "I don't think that would be a good idea," was all he told me.

I took it for my answer.

Norman and Emma soon joined us. Sadly, I was too tired to care about what they were saying. "Y/n," Norman said, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked several times, "Yes?" I asked. "You zoned out," he said with a kind smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up, when Norman smiled, that always happened. I don't know why, it just did.

I looked away from him as Norman got called for a rematch. "Norman! I want a rematch! But everyone else is it except for you! How about that?" Norman just smiled,
"Sure, But I won't get caught," he said.

"IS that so? You're going to regret it! We're going to catch him. This is your last game after all, Conny."
I just realized it was Conny's last day here. I would absolutely miss her. She always stayed by my side since she got here. It felt as if she were my actual sister.

Conny gave me a smile. I smiled back at her, knowing her leaving would be the saddest one to me.

×Time Skip×

I walked up next to Conny and fixed her ribbon. "Thank you, Y/n," she said softly. I nodded to her and got up as Norman and Emma came in.
"What do you think? Of my new clothes," she asked.
"Lovely! You look great," Emma told her.
"Good!" Conny said.

"I'm going to work hard, even after I leave. I'll be okay. I have my little bunny with me," Conny said.
"Did you know... That there's only one little bunny in the world? Mom made it only for me. It's my treasure. I'm slow. And I wasn't as good at the tests as everyone else. But when I'm an adult, I want to be a mother like mom. And I'm never going to leave my child!" Conny said, her meaningful speech tore my heart.

No one knows their real parents or where they were born. Getting a new family and... departing from here is exciting. But still... saying goodbye is sad.

"Bye!" Conny told us. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I gave her a tight hug. She returned.

After most of us left, Emma and I looked around Conny's room. Our jaws dropped as we saw Conny's bunny in the center of her bed, "Conny?! You forgot him! Nooooooooo!" Emma exclaimed.

"What should I do?" Emma and I wondered out loud, "But Conny's already gone," we got told. "Maybe not," Ray said as he entered the room, a towel wrapped around his neck.

"I saw from the bathroom window that the lights at the gate were on. And Mom, who saw her off, isn't back. So I don't think Conny's actually left yet," Ray told us.

A shimmer of hope went past my heart, "Let's deliver it to her," Norman suggested. I nodded, liking the idea.

"Norman!" Emma (used to be Conny but I finally fixed it) exclaimed.
"I know the correct thing to do is to have Mom send it later. But Conny would be happier if we did something sooner rather than later, right?" Norman asked. "Yeah!" Emma and (used to have another and, but I fixed it) I.

×Time Skip×

Emma tried the back door, but it was locked. "The back door is locked too," I said.
"Of course it is. Mom is gone, so she would lock it up," Emma sighed.
"No problem. I can pick this lock," Norman and I said in unison. We looked at each other and chuckled. He gave me a pin and I started to pick the lock.
"Easy as a puzzle ring," I said. "Wait, what are you doing?" Emma asked with shock.
"What's important is getting Conny's bunny back. We'll get in trouble later.

×Time Skip×

We ran from the house and to a dark alley, "Conny?" Emma called. We walked around the truck, "Wow... It's a real truck," I said in awe, holding the bunny.

Norman looked inside the truck, "She's not inside!" he told us. I lifted up the cover as I said, "Maybe she'll find it if I leave it in the back of the truck." My eyes widened at the horrid sight.

My knees felt wobbly as I dropped the bunny. Tears streamed down my eyes, "N-Norman, Emma," I called out. They walked over to me, their eyes widened as huge as mine did.

Conny's dead body lay there, a flower in her chest, blood around her body.






Sorry the first chapter is short! I'll make the next longer.
But for the start of a new book!

Word Count- 1476

「Dreaming For Stars」TPNxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now