Sonic X Reader (Helicopter Parents - Part 2)

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"And you think being a primary target is safe for our daughter?" Your father almost snapped over the table. Your mother rested a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head.

"Of course it's not." Your eyes widened as Sonic gave another shrug. Why would he say that?! Your parents were frozen, both looking pale now in the restaurant's light, "But she's still sitting next to me, isn't she?"

"Yes. But don't you think it's cruel to risk her life? She's an innocent (a/t), she had nothing to do with you before all of this, she wasn't in the crossfire until now." Your father pressed forward, "She could get hurt at any moment, and it will be your fault."

"Dad." You had to stop the growl from rising, "I can look after myself."

"No, you don't need to risk your life for some adrenaline freak." Your father glared at you next, you cowered back, he'd never looked so mad before.

"Excuse me, Mr (L/N)." Sonic put a hand between the two of you, "If you don't mind me saying, I've seen your daughter out in the battlefield. She's one of our best fighters. She's taken out a whole bunch of Eggbutt's bots, and saved my life, as well as our other friend's lives, multiple times."

"That doesn't excuse the fact that she should be studying! She should be looking towards her future, not throw it away for the likes of you!" Your father slammed his hands on the table, causing both yourself and your mother to flinch. Sonic however, didn't react.

You wondered what the other people around the restaurant were thinking, were they watching you? Whispering? Sonic was here, you were surprised it was so quiet. Actually, you hadn't been served yet either.

Slowly, you raised your (e/c) gaze, only to find the restaurant was empty. Where was everyone? You blinked, rubbing your eyes; this was one of the most popular restaurants in Station Square, why was it so quiet?

Your father's ranting slowly turned to noise as you noticed a large shadow in the distance. Something sparked, and smoke started heading towards the building. Your eyes widened, before you jumped over the table and tackled your parents to the ground.

"Get down!" You yelled, flipping the table over. Sonic jumped behind it as well, just as the outside of the restaurant blew up.

Glass and debris flew everywhere, crashing into the wooden table and landing around you. Your mother let out a scream and covered her head, your father instantly going to protect her. Sonic seemed excited, glancing over the table and out into the street.

"Ready to show your parents what you can really do?" He asked you, before jumping out and running outside.

"What...? Sonic?!" You followed him, only for your father to grab onto your arm.

"No! You will not go out there. It's too dangerous!" He yelled, pulling you back.

You yelped, stumbling into the table as another loud explosion attacked the street. You could hear Sonic spindashing around and attacking the assailant, and you wished you were helping him right now. Who cared what your father said?

"No dad, I can do this." You pulled away from him, "Go find a safe spot, I'll find you when I'm done."

"I am your father. Listen to me." He stood, staring you down, "You will not fight."

"Just watch me." You stated, before running out into the street. Eggman was floating in the Egg Dragoon, tearing down a building with the drill and firing missiles into the air. Sonic was already running up the metal dragon's tail, spindashing into the back of it. The robot lurched forward, and you ducked under the drill, taking off towards the robot.

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